[s-cars] My butt momentarily in a BMW

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Mon Dec 17 11:34:41 PST 2007

Way over exaggerated Cody, but understand the point.  Paulie  isn't there 
yet...   Two totally different cars and buyers, but a G37  driver with another 
50hp over the G35 would certainly start moving Paulie to do  something....   
Possibly.  I thoroughly enjoyed my rides in both  cars, for much different 
In a message dated 12/17/2007 1:23:57 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
cody at 5000tq.com writes:

Not only  that, but for under $100 including shipping and not 10  
minutes worth  of work you get a 1.0bar wastegate spring to bump the  
930 over  300hp. 425hp is the wastegate spring, a new air filter, and  
new  exhaust. 500hp is possible without removing so much as a valve   

I immagine the G35 is a teensy bit harder to get to catch up  ;-).

-Cody Forbes


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