[s-cars] My butt momentarily in a BMW

David Kase davekase at pdqlocks.com
Wed Dec 19 07:16:54 PST 2007

I should have prefaced my statement by saying that I buy Audi's /after/ 
the major depreciation hit.  I am driving a $40k+ (when new) 2001 S4 yet 
only paid 25% of the original cost.

As for the Chrysler minivan money pit, BTDT.  I had a couple Town & 
Country minivans as even the used Odyssey's were bringing big money.  I 
only kept them for a short time as I knew if they were 5 years old and 
had 100k on them they were virtually worthless.  Once all the Ody's came 
off lease the market was flooded with them.  I picked up one at a good 
price.  3 years later it has over 135k on it, is still going strong and 
holds a decent value.  Plus, it doesn't look like a crop duster going 
down the road (like a 135k mile Chrysler van does).

wishing I was bantering about P-cars instead of freaking minivans...yep, 
FU Paulie
also hoping for an MV Agusta Brutale under the Christmas tree this year...

Eric Phillips wrote:
> I doubt it.  For whatever reason, Audi resale STILL sucks.  But I
> don't buy cars as investments.  I buy them to DRIVE them.
> Dave - there's only one worse automotive "investment" - a Chrysler
> Corp. minivan.  The resale on those beasts after a couple of years is
> absolutely awful.  Wretched.  Terrible.
> Eric
>> Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 08:08:03 -0500
>> From: David Kase <davekase at pdqlocks.com>
>> Subject: Re: [s-cars] My butt momentarily in a BMW
>> That's one of the reasons I love Audi's.  I don't know if was a worse
>> investment in the '90's than buying a new Audi.
>> David Kase
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