[s-cars] 2007 N.E. WOT - Take 2

Vincent Frégeac s.sikss at gmail.com
Thu Feb 15 21:57:17 EST 2007

Take 2.

Take 1 went apparently unoticed except in CO, quickly covered with JNRing
stuff, so here it goes again.

2.5km of a really nice packed snow/ice covered race track with low soft snow
banks. The track rental fee is around 2700 USD. So I calculated 160-270USD
per car for a 12-20 group, to leave some room for cancellation (event cannot
be cancelled once a date is reserved - of course, I will refund any over
cash after the event).

With 6 cars allowed at the same time on the track, time trials mode, it's
about 90 to 180 min. track time per car. The best dollar/winter track time
rate I've found so far.

I would need at least 12 cars to make it reasonnably affordable. There's
probably 4-5 locals interested but I can't make it with some not-so-local
participation. To have a smooth time trial mode event, all cars must have
the same winter potential, so I rulled out colleagues FWDs but feel free to
cross-post other Audi lists.

Last but not least, it's in the Mont-Tremblant area, so you can
combine winter racing, ski, spa, fine dinning, come with spouses and
children, and I can probably find some snowmobiles to be JNRed too in the

The spots available now in March are March 4 and March 11. There's probably
more spots available in April but the track condition in April really
depends on the amount of snow we'll get in March, while it's almost
garanteed it will be perfect for sideway power turns in March.

So, anyone interested in some serious but safe winter fun on a real race
track instead of 8ing on a parking lot?

Vincent who wants badly some _serious_ winter JNRing F

P.S.: BTW, WOT stands for Winter audiOcy Tour. Don't ask.

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