[s-cars] Quattro.... there is no substitute - just add JNR

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Sat Feb 17 12:02:02 EST 2007

I found the ESP not at all intrusive on my '02 A6. Didn't really 
notice that it was there, until I turned it off and had fun 
getting the car sideways at will...

On the other hand, I don't miss it on my '99. However, I would 
prefer to have it on other family members' cars...


On Sat Feb 17 08:51:32 PST 2007, Taka Mizutani 
<t44tqtro at gmail.com> wrote:

> That's why I asked- maybe Audi's ESP isn't as intrusive- the 
> Volvo DSTC is
> so intrusive
> that you simply can't turn unless you're going really, really 
> slow in slushy
> snow, where
> all 4 wheels have traction.
> In non-ESP Audi quattros, the car might have gotten a little 
> loose in a
> 20mph turn in
> deep slush, but I could easily, safely, make the turn. I can't do 
> that at
> all in the Volvo-
> I have to slow to about 10mph otherwise the DSTC makes the car 
> impossible to
> turn.
> Taka
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