[s-cars] for sale stuff

Mike P (530) mlped at qwest.net
Tue Jan 16 12:38:41 EST 2007

I'm starting a rumor Pizzo's moving on up, up, up scale from the list.

Even past those cheesy piker traitors that have been picking up used S8's.
He's sold, or selling out to

Future list messages to Pizzo who's abandoning the hoi polloi of Gruppe-Q &
Steamboat for 

will simple have to be addressed to "...his man..."  Pizoo may, or may not

Mike "will still be doing www.gruppe-q.com even without pizzo again this

>-----Original Message-----
>From: s-car-list On Behalf Of Ron Wainwright

>Maybe Pizzo...or PK...or Tom M..need to stop posting
>if that's your way of thinking..cause they don't own
>an //s4/6 anymore aether??!!

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