[s-cars] for sale stuff
Vincent Frégeac
s.sikss at gmail.com
Wed Jan 17 21:30:32 EST 2007
I would even add: Dan is already giving us a lot hosting that
extraordinarily tremendous list that everybody on the net should envy
(AFAIK, YMMV and other things and stuff as a well known lister would say).
Should we ask for more, like special rules dedicated to us, S-Car listers,
because we feel we're more adult than other lists so we should have special
treatment? No.
The only thing we could ask is: Don't even bother with list administration,
we'll take care of it with just a permission for one lister to ban spammers.
We have a lot of reputable listers here that anybody will trust not to ban
someone based on personal feelings. Even Pizzo's comments are tolerated, and
_that_ is a commitment to our open mind (Sorry Pizzo).
So, to make it short, any solution that take burden out of Dan shoulders
should be welcomed, but none that add more burden to Dan.
-----Message d'origine-----
De : s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] De la part de Ron Wainwright
Envoyé : 15 janvier 2007 15:07
À : Quattrohead
Cc : s-car-list at audifans.com
Objet : Re: [s-cars] for sale stuff
Hey Quattrohead...I don't think your suggestion is
reasonable..all though a nice gesture.
I think the administrators of each & every Audifans
list should GTG & see what can be done as to not add
to the amazing BW all these lists generate.
But again...I think if any/all of you have a problem
with the rules than you should bother Dan..I mean he
is the owner of all this help full info!
90 CQ 2.6l 20vt 600whp stroker project
91 v8q 5spd DTM project
91 200 20v
93 v8q 4.2 "The Green Monster"
93 v8q 4.2 parts for DTM project
90 v8q 3.6 not stock..Urs8 gone but not forgotten :-(
--- Quattrohead <quattrohead at quattrohead.com> wrote:
I am sorry,
I don't think anyone who owns an s-car needs to be
ordered around by anad hitler.
If anyone wants to have a separate forum for the
s-cars, let me knowhere or via my email. I can set one
up real quick under my quattroheaddomain.
Eric Phillips wrote:
On 1/15/07, Ron Wainwright <ron_01056 at yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 08:42:45 -0800From: "Eric
Phillips" <gcmschemist at gmail.com>Subject: Re: [s-cars]
for sale stuff
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 05:05:47 -0800 (PST)From: Ron
Wainwright <ron_01056 at yahoo.com>Subject: Re: [s-cars]
for sale stuffListers, I think this subject has been
too many times....I know that one can go both ways
this. But the fact of the matter is that FS
postsaren't allowed!
It has been hashed out a few times. I think ahealthy
dose of liveand let live needs to be inserted, and I
think thereasons I'vearticulated for my disagreement
with this particularrule arereasonable and moderate.
Zero-tolerance policies are set such that nobody hasto
think. Rulesare rules and that's it.
I don't think anybody is yelling at Brett, nor am
Iyelling at you,for that matter. I figure if we can
havediscussions about non-SAudis, then we can
certainly trade parts. Maybethat would be
thesolution. Parts for "trade".
I offer my 1993.5 UrS late-VIN driver's-side widgetfor
trade. Youcontact me off-list, and we work out
exactly whatthe trade would be.Let's say we work out
the trade to be I give you thehighly-desireablewidget,
and you give me 375.23 United States Dollars.
It's not FS, so it's not against the rules, right?
Everybody's happy, and no spam was actually sent toany
What say you, boys?
Eric I love your reasoning don't get me wrong...I
aswell have a "widget FS"..said "widget" is the heart
ofany car..& the "widget" runs STRONG & for
$2,200United States Dollars it could be any ones
aswell...but again..FS ads have a place.
LMAO! Good one.
I do think that the marketplace is a wonder
fullresource..but a quick heads up on the list that
wouldneed the part the most wouldn't be bad
either..butagain see rule 1..(so to speak) FS ads
aren't allowedon the lists..only in the marketplace.
OK, for trade. Except that only gets around the
letter of the law,and not the spirit.
I don't think the powers that be have gotten
enoughcredit for what they do! I've been a lister for
round15yrs now & have seen all types of discussion &
thisone is brought up more than a "team door
I there's a reason for it. There are folks like me
who have aninterest in not making any sort of profit,
but in making sure myfriends on the list have first
crack at my stuff. I think that whathappens is that
there are those folks who don't want to have to
thinkabout what situation is acceptable, and what
isn't. So a total ban isput in place. My solution
would be to enforce it selectively, becausethere are
obviously a wide range of opinions on what should and
shouldnot be allowed.
& as you mentioned I'm not casting a shadow on
you..oranyone..or talking down...or YELLING at
anyone.......but just like anyone of you out there
tell yourkids that there are certain rules that we
need tofollow as a society I think it's a bit of the
potcalling the kettle Black syndrome for us grown
adultsto contradict what we try to teach our
I tell my kids that rules are sometimes colored in
grey, and not soblack-and-white. Some rules must
never be broken. Some rules may bebroken at great
need. And some rules exist only for the ego of
therulemakers and can be safely ignored**. As a
parent, I have toinstill proper judgement such that my
kids can tell which rules arewhich, and which ones
might be colored in between the shades I havedrawn in
here. Even around the house, there are such rules -
like"never, EVER touch Daddy's tools. If you need a
tool, Daddy witheither get you your own tool, or
fix/install the thing that needsdoing. Even the wife
knows (now) to obey that rule. The rule "don'tdrink
Daddy's last soda" is routinely ignored. :)**(Note:
the no FS postings list rule is *NOT* an ego-driven
one,IMO. Let me be PERFECTLY CLEAR on that!)I'm still
pulling for the "for trade, contact me off-list" kind
ofdeal, where widget trades might be initated for, oh,
$327.23 worth ofStarbucks common stock, for instance.
;)BTW, if I had a CQ, I'd love to trade for your
widget. I need an S2.
listS-CAR-List at audifans.comhttp://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/s-car-li
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