[s-cars] 2 stories: my S vs. the Lade & ran over a deer

brian hoeft qweblog at gmail.com
Sun Jun 3 19:26:33 EDT 2007

story time?  i think so!  and this is all true..

soo, im in philladelphia last night after making great time there, stopped
at a red light.

only me at the light, until a 'Lade(escalade) rolls up with his chrome dubs
yo..  then the string of cars behind him..

i have no intentions of a shoot out with 4 friends in the car, and while the
interesection we are at is 2 wide,, it narrows to 1 lane ahead.

well,, then homeslice glares over like "~im the one in front now
biotch, dont dare muscle out the lade~" and creeps ahead until hes almost in
the intersection.. so much so that the car behind him is now a nose in front
of me..

well,, with the other light clearly still green i quietly think that hes
1.stupid 2.far to eager and 3.doesnt know how to time a light..

so with my grin forming i see the other light turns yellow, than red than
clutch than zoom around the escalade with plenty of safe room to spare.
!YAAAY!  ,,BIG laughs with my friends and definitely just had the most fun
in days,, maybe weeks.

AND,, i didnt even get shot at :)

so i park, have a good night out, leave philly, am driving home on 476 when
what jumps out?!  but of course! the carcass of a deer!

okay so it got hit already, but between my OE lighting, tired eyes,
partially wet roads and friends girlfriend sleeping it the backseat, i wasnt
ready to swerve and before i could eek out an eek,,, yes, nasty rolling
crunchy yet still fresh and soft deer carcass going cahchunkthlgilippopl
under my ursula..

i wound up having to zip tie the tube that carries my starter/alt wires back
in place which was no fun..  i hadnt put my belly pan back on so i was
playing in a muck of deer blood, flesh, and road grime that was literally
hanging off my fingers when i was done,, bluhghghg!  .. not to mention the
cooking heat which today only smells worse after only one under car wash..
plus! now i definitely have an exhaust leak, rattle and maybe more,, its
raining pretty good now so im not in the mood for more rancid carcass while

good thing im planning on dropping my subframe in a week to do some work,,
should give it plenty of time to get nice&rancid..

hope you enjoyed story time w/ B-hoeft :)  ,,later guys

worldpeace, //brian

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