[s-cars] Thought-provoking stuff.......NAC, but all Car stuff.

Varon H. Fugman vfugman at globaldialog.com
Tue Jun 12 23:26:36 EDT 2007

>>I've seen an electric 914 on the web (very cool), and I can easily aquire
a 914 shell to convert, but the cost of batteries alone just kills the idea.

I think the total cost conversion cost to build a "VoltsPorsche" out of a
914 is $5-$6k.  This includes the electric motor, bell housing adaptor,
battery racks, controller, and yes, batteries.

Nice thing about converting a 914 to electric is that there is a turnkey kit
available, so you don't have to fabricate motor mounts or battery racks.
There are also complete kits for early Rabbits.

Bellhousing adaptors are available for quite a few cars, and there is a
company that will engineer one if you send in your transmission.  Then you
just need to engineer your own battery racks (and put the whole thing

Now that I have a 3 mile commute, I need an electric car!  Maybe an electric

'95 urS6 still running on refined petrochemicals

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