[s-cars] NAC - Why is manual and full-time 4wd or AWD mutuallyexclusive ...

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Thu Jun 28 13:13:11 EDT 2007

I enjoy manual shifting cars, if it's the right car, like my TQC's.  I  don't 
really enjoy shifting a heavy 91 v8, the autobox in sport mode is so  much 
easier and smoother.  I'm indifferent to the S car, as there wasn't a  autobox 
available.  As an avid offroader in a 4runner turbo, I thoroughly  enjoyed the 
autobox with low range, and do in my LC as well.  They are  virtually 
bulletproof boxes (my 4R turbo I sold at 200k with fluid change  and no trans work, my 
LC has 145k with a fluid change and no trans work),  they both have econ and 
sport mode and overdrive on/off buttons.  I like  sport modes where redline 
isn't a flub, it's a foot to the floor runup, then  it shifts.  I enjoy that on 
our 91 v8, and my LC alike.
Push starting a dead S requires ~10v min, IMO.  Less than  that, you don't 
have enough juice to make a jump start happen.  Besides,  that's what jump paks 
are for.  
I've proposed that matching the drivetrain with the chassis is the  key.  Hit 
4000lbs, it's just tough to beat a well built autobox,  IMO/E.
Scott J
In a message dated 6/28/2007 11:45:31 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
audi.ed at gmail.com writes:
So perhaps the end-game take-away here is either  its BS marketing, or that
autos are so much better now that there's no reason  to buy one?  Call me old
fashioned but I *like* switching gears.   Also like being able to push-start
when I leave lights on in the middle of no  where (though my S6 failed me on
this one as I couldn't push start it when  said battery is DEAD after being
left for a few days with the lights  on).  I do also feel that autos are more
fragile and a wee bit expensive  to fix when compared with their manual

Have things  changed that much in the last few years, or is it more an issue
of the  average consumer not caring?


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