[s-cars] WAS Re: Key madness '95 S6 - best way to replace a stolen key? Now: Remote Solutions

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Tue Mar 13 13:35:27 EDT 2007


I should rephrase my earlier statement. My son's '97 A6 came with 
a newer style key fob, not the switchblade key. He then purchased 
a switchblade key and programmed it to work with his car following 
the instructions in the owner's manual (key in ignition, key in 
door lock, etc).

My point was that the '97 and later systems are compatible with 
the switchblade key, unlike any of the earlier cars.

I should also mention that his range is quite short, say no more 
than 10 feet.


On Tue Mar 13 10:26:58 PDT 2007, Dave Forgie <forgied at ae.ca> 

> Lee:  I don't think the switch blade was a universal fitment in 
> 97 or
> later.  Sean D.'s 97 S6 did not come with one.  My "new" 98 C4 A6 
> avant
> did not come with one.  However, the switch blades can be 
> made/set up to
> work with these cars.  Dave F. 
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