[s-cars] NAC-Motor Trend Police Car Comparison

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Wed Mar 21 11:34:31 EDT 2007

Bill Johnny Law'd:

<<<Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 06:35:32 -0700
From: "Bill Noland" <wenoland at pacbell.net>
Subject: Re: [s-cars] NAC-Motor Trend Police Car Comparison

California CHP started running a few Camaros a few years ago. Very low 
profile light bar made them tough to spot. Lucky for me, they were used 
primarily on truckers.

Use of radar on California highways must be approved by each county and 
until the last couple of years, it was not used in most of the Bay Area.
cops had to come up behind and pace you, which made it more of a sport.
now departed 5.0l Mustangs were more effective than the Crown Vics, but
marginally so. Can't say how many times I spotted CHP cars trying to get
jump on me from on ramps and by the time they got up to speed, I'd be at

65mph -- no more, no less. They would play wingman for a minute or two
in an 
attempt to intimidate, then go on looking for another victim.

Cal CHP has installed new light bars on their Crown Vics -- very bright 
blue, yellow, red combo. Looks like a party every time they pull someone


Bill N>>>

Man oh man, has THIS become quite the challenge here in CT.  Da MAN's
recent use of said ultra-low-profile light bar has rendered them
*rather* tough to get a make on from afar from afast.  Esp. @ frickin'
NIGHT.  And the bastards now run in "color of the road" grey and some in
basically cammy green Crown Turds.  Makes them very tough to spot.  Not
only the low profile rack mind you but also more often sans rack but low
profile winkers on the rear deck.  Tucked in tight to each side of the
CHMSL, I have a tough time telling if it's seatbelt retractor humps or
winkers nowadays.  F'n LAME.

Pure f'n EVIL.  When traveling @ Serge's "year of car" / JNR speeds and
quitequite (quite) beyond, it can be a rather holepuckering experience.
I'm a big gunshy now and stab the brakes at even the slightest doubt.
Which does suck.  But hey whattayagonnado.  

I'm talking about the ones I see while coming up on them from behind.
With near 20/10 vision I'm near a master at spotting them, as I'm in a
constant state of training playing "cop / not a cop" every second I'm on
the road.  Again night time has posed the biggest challenge.  LOVE
dealer decals, cheesy plate frames, college stickers in the window,
tissue boxes (bwHA!), etc. - those are my tried and true "tells" heh

-Paul no comment K.
CT - F da Pohleece

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