[s-cars] 95 S6 Ignition Switch Recall

Gregory Wolters gjwarch at sbcglobal.net
Thu Mar 22 14:00:50 EDT 2007

Hi to everyone,

I need help.  I found a 95 S6 for sale in Colorado. 
Worked out a deal and had the car trucked here to
Northern CA.  The guy unloading it mentioned that he
had a bit of a problem getting it to start.

When I started it to drive it home the key tried to
stay stuck in the start position and I had to turn it
back manually to get the starter to stop spinning.  It
took a couple of times to get it to catch.

Now the car won't start at all, things are spinning
but the engine isn't cranking.  I think the starter is
trashed because of the ignition switch thing.

I did some research and my car is within the VIN range
for the recall.  I found all kind of documentation on
the NHTSA site.  Shows the steps to make the repair,
stated that the owner shall be given a loaner car,
Audi shall make the repair no matter how much time has
past, etc.

So, I call Niello Audi in Sacramento.  It is amazing
that their records show that my car is not part of the

What do I do now?  I'm talking to the dealer and told
them what I want is for them to pay for the starter
and Audi to pay for the ignition switch recall (and
maybe the fuel line recall).  The dealer I bought it
from had given me a "check list" done on the S6 and
the category "Starter Cranking" has a check in the OK

Has anyone been successful with getting Audi to honor
a recall?

Thanks to everyone... I'm glad this list exists!

94 S4
Nevada City, CA

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