[s-cars] Fans on the dyno

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Sat May 12 18:14:18 EDT 2007

DOT actually sponsored the study and the resulting SAE paper on the  
electromechanical coupling (ala A/C clutch with typical electric temp  sender).  There 
are several manufacturers that replace the existing VC or  air coupler with 
the electromechanical.  The savings in fuel was  significant at the time (when 
diesel was 1.50 a gallon no less).
I found an app that was close for my landcrusier, but have yet to do the  
conversion.  If gas stays at this level, I'll be doing it soon  however.
In a message dated 5/12/2007 8:14:44 A.M. Central Standard Time, Djdawson2  

Actually, the mechanical coupling may be the future, but it is also the  past 
in the truck world.  A mechanical clutch is/has been used on heavy  truck 
fans since I started working with them... and that's been about 20  years now.
It isn't electro activated, however... it is activated using the truck's 
compressed air system.


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