[s-cars] Help - Can't shift into 1st or 2nd!

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Wed May 30 21:08:17 EDT 2007

Just taking a guess here, but could it be the linkage is jammed?

--- JR <audiurs4 at mailforce.net> wrote:

> It happened all of a sudden with no warning.  Stopped at a light an
> then 
> couldn't get the car into 1st or second.  Had to drive from 3rd gear
> to 
> limp home.  Reverse, 3rd, 4th and 5th work fine.  I can't even move
> the 
> shifter in the positions that 1st and 2nd occupy.  It's like
> something 
> is blocking it.  Anyone run into this before?
> Thanks,
> JR
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