[s-cars] POLE: wonderful dilema, S4 or Ultrasport?

Lee Levitt lee at levitts.net
Wed Nov 7 07:13:15 PST 2007

My 14 year old daughter is working her way towards car ownership. For 
the reasons that Paul describes, I'm going to steer her towards a 5 
speed manual car rather than an automatic. Will probably be a B5 A4, 
maybe a B6...non-turbo.

Will also dramatically cut down the number of people offering to 
drive her car...


At 10:06 AM 11/7/2007, yo-cello at comcast.net wrote:
>I'll have to second Peter here,
>I've got two wagons, the S6 Avant (mine) and a '99 A6 Avant (the 
>wife's).  The A6 is the 1st autobox we've owned.  She can drive a 
>stick but wanted her life simpler......though she drives the S6 
>whenever I'm traveling for business (which is 
>frequently).   Concentration is big factor:
>In the A6 she has:
>- two speeding tickets, by the same officer, same place, almost 
>exactly one year apart.
>- decided to drive off with the gas nozzle still in the car....twice.
>- backed into trees and planters along the driveway.  some incidents 
>have been minor scrapes, others required panel/bumper replacement.
>In the S6 she has done:
>- nothing.
>I can't afford to let her drive an automatic!  She drives both 
>vehicles probably 60/40.  And we have poor cell coverage in VT....so 
>the cell phone isn't the only reason.
>(also old-school)

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