[s-cars] NAC Driving simulation equipment

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Fri Nov 23 07:53:29 PST 2007

Sorry for the non-Audi content, but has anyone used any of the following:

Logitech G25 steering wheel- how is the force feedback, how is the build
quality, is it worth $250?

Playseats Evolution seat w/ wheel and pedal mounts- do the mounts work well,
is it solidly mounted, how comfortable is the seat?

I got a PS3 for the Blu-Ray and for Gran Turismo, need to get a couple more
things to set it up. I know GT5 Prologue doesn't come out until June!?! At
least I got the F1 game, will either get Dirt or Sega Rally Revolution as
well. I have to check the reviews on NFS Pro Street.

At least I can do 720p on a 55" screen for the time being with this setup
and the seat will allow me to setup for GT3 and GT4 on PS2 as well.

I can use this stuff for PC sim games as well- I have GTR2 ready to go.


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