[s-cars] Valve Cover Gasket Question

Douglas Fifield douglas.fifield at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 07:00:50 PST 2007


As part of my recent R&R project, I replaced the valve cover gasket on
my AAN.  It didn't seem to fit perfectly and I wasn't sure it sat
correctly all around.  I was correct in that I see a wet spot on the
front, passenger side corner.

So, my question is, can the cover be removed, the gasket repositioned
and reused (assuming it was not pinched or otherwise damaged)?

Second question is, how does one properly clean the mating surfaces of
oil prior to laying down the gasket?  If I wanted to use a little RTV
to help the gasket stick at awkward points (like the corners), the
surfaces need to be clean as per directions on the sealant.  So I
would need to degrease the valve cover and the gasket prior to putting
down a thin film of sealant.

Thanks for your help and advice.


Douglas in MN
95.5 Audi S//6 Avant
73 BMW R60/5 mit Toaster Tank

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