[s-cars] UrS4 brake hardware question

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Wed Oct 3 07:33:59 PDT 2007

Euro S4s originally came with UFOs like the '91 200q and early V8q, the
later cars came with
the Lucas-Girling HP-2 calipers, same rotor dimensions as the B5 S4tt. Those
rotors are not compatible
with G-60 calipers- they are 314x30mm IIRC.

The stock rotors on the US UrS are 276x25mm.

If you need something with more initial bite or higher coeff. of friction,
try EBC Yellowstuff, Hawk HP Plus- I don't
know how Porterfield or Pagid measure up- you shouldn't use race pads on the
street- they simply don't work in cold
weather, they eat up rotors quickly if the brakes are in the proper
operating temp. and they make a ton of noise.


On 10/3/07, James Murray <james.murray at ericsson.com> wrote:
> Rolf, what about going to the larger European UrS4/S6 rotor? I think it
> uses the same G60 caliper, per but you have a larger rotor diameter, I
> gather the bracket needs to be changed?(not sure the details). Perhaps
> this is an intermediate upgrade at a lower cost?
> I heard the Euro S4's had larger rotors, but never investigated the
> exact differences between the models. Perhaps someone will chime in...
> /Jamu.

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