[s-cars] UrS teardown question

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Fri Oct 26 13:13:44 PDT 2007

In STX, you're down 57hp on the WRX and 100hp on the Evo- boost mods are not

You can't run R compound tires in STX, so I hope you didn't just make a very
expensive mistake.

Best tires for STX would be Falken RT-615, Bridgestone RE-01R- the Hankook
Z212 RS2, BFG KD and Kumho MX are further behind.

I'd think you need at least H&R race coilovers and big sway bars to get that
A4 in shape. With enough drop, you can get a fair bit of camber.

I don't know where you got those weight numbers- B5 A4s are a wash with WRXs
and Evos- they weigh nearly the same, all about 3250-3300lbs.

Evo school is generally regarded as a very good way to get a good start in
autox w/o picking up a ton of bad habits. You might have to wait until next
year to go to a school up in your area- season is pretty much over now,
isn't it?


On 10/26/07, Lee Levitt <lee at wheelman.com> wrote:
> One issue that I had with autocrossing my S6 is that I found the
> steering to be somewhat slow at times...literally the PS pump
> wasn't keeping up with input from the helm.
> I have not noticed this in the '01 A4. The B5 A4 is a nice
> platform for autocrossing. Also slow and uncompetitive, but fun.
> I'm in STX with Subies and Mitsus, both of which kick my ass
> bigtime. Funny what +500 lbs and -150 horses will do for
> competitiveness.
> I just picked up a set of R compound tires yesterday. We'll see if
> those help the cause at all...the street tires seem to do a lot of
> sliding and I'm really slow through the slaloms.
> All of this, of course, is due to bad form, and more $ and parts
> aint going to do much for that!
> Lee
> On Fri Oct 26 09:43:33 PDT 2007, rshydo at ithacamechanical.com
> wrote:
> > Oh man, I knew I was opening a can of worms.  Yes, I'm "That
> > Crazy Guy"
> >
> > First off - Cody
> >
> > I've been watching your project for years.  Awesome work.
> >
> > Now - Joe and everyone who is thinking the same thing
> >
> > I've looked at NASA, but as a tech inspector for the SCCA, I'm
> > already at
> > all their events.  Might not be the fastest car out the first few
> > seasons
> > but since I'm already there.....  Will be book'ing the car as ITE
> > (catch
> > all street tires) or SPO (catch all slicks) pending some design
> > choices. As both are regional only classes (no national points)
> > its me against
> > whoever shows up to the new england region events.  I'm just
> > hoping it
> > rains a lot during racing season!
> >
> > Yes, the S-cars "were" fat and heavy.  Lets just say that right
> > now I'm at
> > a little over 3100 lbs still with power windows, sunroof, factory
> > glass,
> > street wheels, factory body panels, and no removal of any
> > sheetmetal.  My
> > control arm/swaybar setup in the front will lose ~30 lbs
> > including brake
> > replacement.  Moving the rear suspension inboard will be dead
> > even with
> > weight unless I decide to make new rear upright assemblies (the
> > stock ones
> > weigh a ton).
> >
> > So I guess my answer (other than I know I'm nuts) is the S-cars
> > were far
> > too heavy/slow as audi delivered them.  But as a starting point
> > for AWD,
> > turbo, and pretty darn nice looking body its ok.  I'm hoping to
> > be about
> > 3000 lbs with the cage installed, so not great, but not bad.  As
> > far as
> > too old, the 01E transmission (yes I have lots of spares) can now
> > be
> > adapted to any of the 10V/20V Audi engines, Audi V-8's, and VW
> > VR-6's (and
> > derivatives).  In a racing sense, old is good, as parts get
> > cheaper.
> >
> > Rob
> >
> >
> >> Joe's point is a good one too, but NASA that I suggested
> >> classifies by
> >> power to weight ratio (with modifiers for cars with slicks and
> >> cars
> >> with AWD), so the actual weight of the car is much less of a
> >> concern
> >> since we all know the AAN can easily make up for it.
> >>
> >> -Cody
> >>
> >>
> >> Quoting Joe Pizzimenti <joe.pizzimenti at gmail.com>:
> >>
> >>> I honestly hope that this "SCCA club racing rig" is the S-car
> >>> towing
> >>> your
> >>> racecar.
> >>>
> >>> The easiest way to get into racing is to buy someone's prepped
> >>> car that
> >>> they
> >>> gave up on.  Well, that's the cheapest anyway.  The S-car's too
> >>> heavy &
> >>> too
> >>> old to be competitive now in SCCA.
> >>>
> >>> Joe
> >>>
> >
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