[s-cars] Porsche Question for the gurus

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Tue Apr 8 13:05:45 PDT 2008

Gabriel requested:

<<<It seems there are a lot of Porsche nuts on this list. I am sure one
of you has an answer for me. A friend of mine wants an air-cooled
cabrio. Could you link me to a good one? Thanks in advance! Gabriel >>>

C'mon now Gabriel, no need to *qualify* your statement about "nuts"
here!  8-)
Hmmm...  I'm no guru, but ask and ye shall receive as this just came up
in the past few daze.  About the best one could ever desire:


Tho if cost is no object (price not listed = scary - it's one of like 3
or 4 made):


Otherwise?  8-)

IMO coupes are a better option, with good info as to why here:


Tops always needing attention, mechanism's going south, interiors sun
baked or water damaged, I could go on and on.  Targa's are great - when
you're IN them - they're abysmal to look at IMnotsoHO.

Nice clean Carrera cabs should be in the $20k range, US didn't get them
until like ~ '84 IIRC, you guys likely in '81 maybe.  964s in the higher
$20k's / low $30k's, and 993's up from there.  HTH, good luck to your
friend.  Nothing like an air cooled Porsche certainly. 


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