[s-cars] big reds still feel soft

Mike Fitton rfitton at vt.edu
Tue Apr 8 19:24:59 PDT 2008

Second on the Hawks and application specificness.  My friend has them 
with slotted rotors on otherwise stock A4 brakes.  They squeak a little, 
but it's barely noticeable (coming from DS2500s, so maybe I'm biased).  
However, I have heard they're really annoying when paired with the 
993/928 calipers.  I'm wondering if it's something different about 
resonant frequencies between iron and aluminum-beryllium or if it's just 
the size difference or maybe something about the differential piston 
sizes.  Who knows?  I got a big ole D in Chemistry.  Those little 
dampening pads don't seem to me to have any relevant purpose, or at 
least not in terms of dampening what I think they should be dampening.

Personally, I'm Textar-curious, since I've heard they're quiet.  But the 
DS2500s still look brand new after a year of hard use and they're just 
<pk>absurdicle</pk> in every measureable way and I'm not sure I want to 
take a chance on anything else.


Manuel Sanchez wrote:
> Forrest,
> Seems every BBK (or maybe pad?) may be unique. I originally had a kit  
> (ECS Stage II, since the cracked bracket affair now with steel RS2  
> brackets) that came with the Hawks. Mine squealed like stuck pigs. My  
> boss was embarrassed to drive with me. I tried all sorts of things to  
> make the Hawks work. On advice from listers I tried the OEM Porsche  
> fitted Textars for the 993TT and they were like magic. I got an  
> occasional squeal, but nothing like the Hawk HPS's. Others, with the  
> same kit from the same source had reported no noise problem with the  
> Hawks. Go figure.
> Good Luck,
> Manny
> 95.5 UrS6 Avant
> forrest bradshaw sola4est at yahoo.com
> Tue Apr 8 14:40:54 PDT 2008
> had my big reds rebuilt cause they were sticking an dsoft.
> replaced pads with Hawk HPS and rotors and caliper brackets and bled  
> the brakes, super blue fluid is only 3 months old.
> pedal feel is still soft, the brakes feel lousy.   if I press it  
> twice quickly the feel is much more firm and the car stops  stronger
> not loosing any fluid that I can tell, what do I do from here?  and   
> also these damn things still squeal like pigs at all times wether it  
> hard or soft braking:(
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