[s-cars] Was: Subject: Re: One bad tire on my Quattro (torsen) NOW: Running tires which may not be exactly the same size due to wear

Paul Heneghan paul at heneghan.co.uk
Thu Apr 10 18:23:48 PDT 2008

Correction - 15 degree angle of steering wheel translates to about 5cm.
Utterly insignificant.

(I used the diameter instead of the radius in one of my calculations -
getting rusty on my geometry!)


>I did a few rough calculations, and I reckon that a 4/32" difference in
> tread between tyres (as mentioned in the Tire Rack article as the limit
> for Audis) is equivalent to having tyres with identical wear, and going
> round a continuous bend with a radius of 150m. That would correspond to
> a steering wheel angle of 15 >degrees, or about 10cm off horizontal.

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