[s-cars] S8 For Sale ... just passing along ...

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Fri Apr 11 06:25:23 PDT 2008

Marc passed along and Mark pointed out and Marc replied:

<<<Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 23:54:40 -0400
From: hmarcnguyen at netscape.net
Subject: Re: [s-cars] S8 For Sale ... just passing along ...

I really have no idea what the going price for the S8s are, but
regarding the t/b service he mentioned that it was done because the
thermostat was bad and while there he just did it all.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Pollan <mpollan1 at aol.com>
To: hmarcnguyen at netscape.net; s-car-list at audifans.com; 20v at audifans.com;
es2 at audifans.com
Sent: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 5:38 pm
Subject: RE: [s-cars] S8 For Sale ... just passing along ...

Interesting price point Marc.  I now you have nothing to do with it or
but the price on //S8s really has tanked.  I bought my '03 //S8
(Ming/Platinum same as Mr. Butler's) with 62K miles and an extended
(albeit only until 1/2009) for $26K.  Timing belt service if done by the
book based on miles is way premature.  Book specs 105K miles.  Would
certainly be a question prospective buyers should ask.


P.S.  These are going for high teens to low 20s now.>>>

Heh heh heh, "Interesting price point Marc."...  very diplomatic of the
Pollock!  Um, yeah, that's one way to put it nicely I suppose 8-).  I
got other funnier emails off List heh heh.

Marc, Mark's unfort. spot-on, these things had the floor fall out big
time.  And Mark neglects to mention he got his over a YEAR ago.  Crazy,
I tell ya.

While I'd venture to say Mark's range is slightly low for a 62k '03
(assuming it's clean and "there"), he's not far off.  I'd say $22-24k is
realistic for THAT car - ohso unfortunately.  There is ___***NO
WAY***___ he will get anywhere's close to $27-30k he's asking.  None
nope uh uh forget it.  Sowy.  $24k's even a stretch, but the "right"
buyer looking for "that" car (there were only 100 Ming's / 100 Black's /
100 Avus' for '03 you see) might step there.

Regarding the tbelt, yup, sure, tstat's were prone to fail ~ 50k range
as were the plastic WP impellers.  MOST times the tbelt was done @ same
time - mine included... only to have them pinch the lower cover clip
INSIDE and score the belt and cause me to have to do it again - kick me
in the JIMMY - do it AGAIN yes!!!!!

ANYwho, HTH your friend and otherses hereski.


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