[s-cars] [NAC] Fun week with the new Passat

Harold McComas HaroldMcComas at comcast.net
Fri Apr 11 06:26:01 PDT 2008

Is there a sign on my forehead that says "shit on me" ?

So I picked up the 2004 Passat 4Motion on Sunday nite and figured that I 
will drive it all week to work. Then on Tuesday, barely the 3rd day of 
ownership going to work, I start to pull away from the Toll booth in the 
right lane and get to about 55 mph. All of a sudden I hear scraping sounds 
and before I can register what the hell it is, cracking and snapping 
plastic sounds. Just as I think belly pan, I look into the rearview mirror 
to see a black plastic "sail" in the air . It then crashes into the ground 
in the left lane, turning into 5 or so pieces. Luckily nobody was close 
enough to get hit. Smelling burning plastic, I quickly pull to the side of 
the road, pop the hood and investigate. No damage other than the missing 

On Thursday, as I get to work at 2pm I noticed a screw sticking out of the 
driver's front tire. Great I think, it was just on the edge of the tread 
close to the sidewall. Work was done at 11:30 pm and I checked the tire and 
it did not loose any air. Well I am tired and just want to go home and 
sleep, so I figured that I will drive slowly home and change it on Friday. 
Halfway home, I hear the screw let go, car starts pulling as the air 
escapes. Pull over as much as I can , of course in the pitch black on the 
side of the highway. Hazards are on and I now proceed to fumble in the dark 
changing the tire and taking about 30-40 minutes finish. Full size spare is 
nice to have, although it was a little low on air.

Funny thing is: I have a flashlight, Leatherman, Breaker bar with 17mm 
socket and mechanics gloves in the Audi. Guess that I need to transfer them 
over to the "new" car, sigh.

So how was your week?

Harold M
Manchester, NH

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