[s-cars] (NAC) LAF Weakend Theatre

Darin Nederhoff scarsgo at gmail.com
Fri Apr 11 11:47:37 PDT 2008

>  -Paul
>  ps. OH, there's always No Escape (I think that's what it was called?),
>  an ubercheesy '80s autotheft flick featuring some good 930 action -
>  showed up in me mailbox one day this winter????... from...  Edweirdo -
>  HA!  With a note apologizing for being such a SKIRT: "Hope this gets my
>  foot on the 930 pedals" Hahahahaaa...  _too_damn_funny_...

You mean No Man's Land with Chuckie Sheen?  ;-)

Darin Nederhoff

'93 S4 //RS2
'86 XR4ti

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