[s-cars] Pearl S6 avant with salvage title @ Shokan

Steve Marinello smarinello at entouch.net
Wed Apr 16 17:28:50 PDT 2008

I have seen zero sedans in casablanca or alpine white.  I have, however, 
seen at least a couple or three '95.5 avants in a definitely non-pearl 
white, including one on a showroom floor where I expected it to be 
alpine white, but found casablanca on the sticker.  My guess is that it 
was only available as a 'standard' on the last of the avants.


Matt twentyV wrote:
> --- theringmeister at triad.rr.com wrote:
>> I used to have an S6 brochure somewhere...not sure
>> if I still I have it and if so, where it might
>> be.....
>> Surely someone here has one..?
> <clears his throat and stands up>  I do, it shows
> Pearl White 'Pearlescent' as the only white.  So
> Shokan's is either a respray or a special order.  I
> mentioned Alpine White as that was available as a
> standard color on '91 coupe q's and for a price you
> could and still can special order any non-standard
> color.  Others seem to like this pure white but I
> prefer Pearl White- the pure white reminds me too much
> of a ... refrigerator.
> -Matt
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