[s-cars] Pearl S6 avant with salvage title @ Shokan

Steve Marinello smarinello at entouch.net
Wed Apr 16 17:33:25 PDT 2008

I forgot to state the somewhat obvious point that if it was only the 
late cars, it probably would not have made the USA avant brochures.  
Now, that leads to the question as to whether it was available to our 
brothers to the north in '96 and maybe '97.

Steve Marinello wrote:
> I have seen zero sedans in casablanca or alpine white.  I have, however, 
> seen at least a couple or three '95.5 avants in a definitely non-pearl 
> white, including one on a showroom floor where I expected it to be 
> alpine white, but found casablanca on the sticker.  My guess is that it 
> was only available as a 'standard' on the last of the avants.
> Steve
> Matt twentyV wrote:
>> --- theringmeister at triad.rr.com wrote:
>>> I used to have an S6 brochure somewhere...not sure
>>> if I still I have it and if so, where it might
>>> be.....
>>> Surely someone here has one..?
>> <clears his throat and stands up>  I do, it shows
>> Pearl White 'Pearlescent' as the only white.  So
>> Shokan's is either a respray or a special order.  I
>> mentioned Alpine White as that was available as a
>> standard color on '91 coupe q's and for a price you
>> could and still can special order any non-standard
>> color.  Others seem to like this pure white but I
>> prefer Pearl White- the pure white reminds me too much
>> of a ... refrigerator.
>> -Matt
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