[s-cars] UrS and 200 ball joint failures

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Thu Aug 14 05:18:44 PDT 2008

Driver error and mechanical failure are two very different things, though.

I had a guy a couple months ago come flying up the right lane doing about
110-120 in a Ford Fusion, do a double lane change almost into my passenger
fender, swerve hard at the last minute, spin the car, nail a box truck in
the side with the front end, bounce off, nail the Jersey barrier with the
back end and come to a stop in the middle lane, facing traffic, during rush
hour on I-95. Talk about suicidally stupid.

Ball joint failures are a very real thing on the UrS cars- also mistakes
when they replace control arms and use the wrong size control arm- off by
1mm, it fits fine and will hold together long enough for you to think you're
okay and then can fail catastrophically.


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