[s-cars] Jack (not Daniels)

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Wed Feb 6 07:10:54 PST 2008

See now, Craig, Craig, you just have not been Lebakken around here
enough lately.  Good stuff!  HA!  Tho, the "playing" here is entirely
more fun.  The only fun part about AWD2 (much wetter crowd / not dry
enough) is it's interface allowing for pics and what not.  I try to have
fun there but it's not the same <more "I love you guys">...  

Say how's the (dare I say the 'word') <scirocco> coming along???  Don't
stone me for saying it!
4 daze skiing?  What are you, Platt???  No wait he's on kerutches now -
d'oh.  I have trouble muscling through one, old bones belie me age.

Me garage is nearing 10yrs. old as is the house, just recent sheetrock /
lighting making better mancave and with dreams of a lift.  Dreams.  
Heh, *my* SB party was me the wife and kids and taco dip and veggies -
The deleted pic was better "being there" hence I deleted it the day
prior.  'Twas Alumibitch in ghetto right bay raised by a pink bag with
right side wheels off for snow swap-on, next to 90s DeVille in the
MIRRORED pose.  I got a good chuckle out of it.
Now, don't be a stranger, stranger, see...
ps.  "DICK!"  AHHHHHHh yes, I love it.  Been talking to Kase and
Sierakowski I see 8-)  HA!  Shoe / fits.  Bring it!  Heh heh...


	From: Craig Lebakken [mailto:lebakken at gmail.com] 
	Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 7:54 PM
	To: s-car-list at audifans.com
	Cc: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)
	Subject: Re: [s-cars] Jack (not Daniels)
	Pauly spewed as only his fingers can spew:
	>We kicked this around some last month on AWD2:
	> http://forums.audiworld.com/a8/msgs/154414.phtml
	>The answer before and after my ^post^ should lead you in the
	>direction, $190 be damned - it's worth the extra clam or 90.
And the
	>post has the added benefit of demonstrating PollockPollan's
"genius" -
	>sorry Mark (insert:  "nonono, go past this part go past this
part - in
	I need a D2 so I have an excuse to go play there. As for
skimping on things automotive - you DO NOT SKIMP on replacement parts,
and, you DO NOT SKIMP on the tools that keep said parts from CRUSHING
	>Shame I just yest. deleted my ghettofab 'lean' action cell-shot
I took
	>of said comedy.  I *really* am considering this, watching the
	>Homies lift my Whip with less air than their just-prior
	>had me giggling.  The hot pink was just the icing on the cake.
	DAYUMMM. I tried all sorts to dig that pic back out.
CashMoneyHomies. Sheeeeeeeit. I wish I was at your Super Bowl Party
	>I may go this route down the road someday but I'm really more
	>investigating my LIFT options for my recently sheetrocked 12'
	>24'x24' garage.  Dunno, we'll see.  'Tis tempting.  Once
	>sufficiently brushed up on his 930 knowledge relief will only
be a phone
	>call away, you see - always thinking of my friends comfort,
kinda guy I
	>am...  8-).
	Been busy lately - lurking digests, not much time to post.
Noticed that Pauly is occasionally given a nickname for his recently
acquired 930. Now youse got a 12' ceilinged garage/mancave?
	Bob - be sure that Pauly at least pays for books and classes.
	>For now, I'm still using my Crapsman 1,000,000,000,000 year old
	>1,000,000,000,000 pound floorjack.  Knock woodrow, she's never
let me
	>down...  just the car - oh I'm horrible heh heh.  Literally, we
got it
	>for my dad in like 1985 or so.  Gotta love it.  It's a beoch
	>Alumibitch is lower than me UrS and I have to really strain
mesself to
	>lift the fender lip to raise the car up the C-Hair (red head'd)
the jack
	>needs to clear.  I know I know time to drive it up on some
lumber.  And
	>I wonder how me back is f'd...
	Amazing what a redheaded C-Hair is worth! (To Paul at least....)
	>Good luck, HTH - or something and stuff.  I think.  And things.

	>ps.  I don't bother with Jack nomore - why when you've got Jake
	>OK, it's Evan Williams but who cares it's the same stuff same
bottle 1/2
	>the price muwhahahahaa...  uh...  sorry.
	Again - that SB42 partay must have been sumpin!  I HAD to watch
it in Squaw Valley with a couple of old high school buddies after our
FOURTH day of skiing. Jagers, Grey Goose and Heinies oh my!
	Regularly scheduled programming is now having technical
	I think.

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