[s-cars] Car Advice

john cléirigh john at johncleirigh.com
Sun Feb 24 13:06:42 PST 2008

When I lived in Hawaii the H1 and H2 were getting underway and the 
designation was all about federal funding.  We too joked about the 
bridge or tunnel that would have to be built to connect these two 
roadways to the rest of the interstate system.  And at the time the 
drinking age in Hawaii was 18.  Because the feds were footing the bill 
for the interstate construction, maintenance and repairs, they were 
applying financial pressure to raise the d.a. to 21.  Those of us under 
21 and not living on Oahu were really pissed because we weren't getting 
fed funds to fix our roads and would have to pay the ultimate price of 
not drinking for a couple more years.


Ian Duff wrote:
> Teddy, not to play semantics, but how can one have an interstate on a  
> Hawiian island? <pppptttthhhhhh> Divided highway, sure, but  
> INTERstate? The local cops would need to include the Coast Guard or  
> harbormaster. Maybe with the new Rinspeed aquamobile, but...
> Sorry, couldn't resist some good natured busting of balls, Teddy, as  
> I'm fairly clear you mean a nice long stretch of multi-lane limited- 
> access divided highway, right?
> So, back to our regularly scheduled thread.
> -Ian.
> On 20 Feb, 2008, at 20:16, tedebearp at yahoo.com wrote:
>> Actually, there are interstates on Oahu.  The H3 is one place you  
>> can definitely have some fun, but watch out for the cops and their  
>> radar.
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