[s-cars] was Installing Torsen diffs and disabling EDL on a / now AMEN!

Pasqualoni, James E james.pasqualoni at gs.com
Fri Jan 25 08:56:54 PST 2008

"All hail Scroob!..."  Good times PK, good times...
And to Posto-ding ding ding!!!  If you read any car rag, they try to
convince you that we are in the Golden Age of automobiles.  Blech.  So
uninvolved, computer controlled and massaged, damped, cushioned and
coddling-the cars practically drive themselves!  I'd rather drive the 91
200 20v and the 84 'Rocco, thanks...
Good day!


	From: pkrasusky at ups.com [mailto:pkrasusky at ups.com] 
	Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 11:50 AM
	To: s-car-list at audifans.com; Jeff.postupack at gmail.com;
Pasqualoni, James E
	Subject: RE: was Installing Torsen diffs and disabling EDL on a
/ now AMEN!

	Sir Jeffries CAN I GET AN AMEN, BRUTAH"'s: 

	<<<Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 16:01:15 -0500 
	From: "Postupack, Jeff" <Jeff.Postupack at analog.com> 
	Subject: Re: [s-cars] Installing Torsen diffs and disabling EDL
on a 

	zzzzactly.. that Paul..   So Audi _ Expands her market share, to
	those Westchester NY , Sunset Blvd..LA  blokes while protecting
her' ass 
	against Liability threats if said bloke stuffs it into a tree.
	paid less attention to DRIVING in the name of society collective

	obsession with bluetooth interconnectivity and GPS systems that
	up a sultry female voice telling you where the closest Fodor's -
	French restaurant is located. Many of the German cars, even Byte
	Weenies are sliding down this slope.   and kills off the legacy
in the 
	process because old car guys buying 034efi hop up kits do not
feed the 
	corporate balance sheet. 

	SO whattaya do? something like  Paul's Alumabitch Daily drv and
a RED 
	930. why not?  and many others listed here tolerating a daily
	while stoking the crap out of an old UrQ or C4 chassis Audi just
for the 
	pure joy of the last of breed. 

	or Corrado's even.. 

	 This list and others (like P car guys) represents a breed of
	who are connected to the car, the road , the situation.. in
total as 
	Mark says.. Pilot in control. 

	but in fact we aren't the main vein of Audi's market segment,

	"Get used to it folks and it'll get worse much worse before ever
	to get better (won't)." 

	Maybe best hope lies in Porsche, maintaining the real thing..
	the HD Radio  option.. nor Bluetooth. 

	Auto Electronics are highly over utilized.. The whiz circuitry
is cool 
	and all, but it's no replacement for a DRIVER'S CAR. 

	Sing it Jeffrey!  Oh yeah! 



	Can I get another AMEN!??!???  

	Gospel Jeff, pure Gospel.  Apparently you ordain'd yerself a
Minister of Quattro and are preachin' to da CHOIR my boy...  CHOIR, that

	Awesome post, great Rant Sir Postupack.  
	Me I'll stay in my old jalopies to my grave with any luck. 
	And I've said this time and time again...  screw all this fart
sensor this and collision avoidance that and smart (dumb) cruise control
whathaveyou...  GIVE ME A FRICKIN WINDOW SWITCH (insert random annoying
common unacceptable failure-part here) THAT FRICKIN WORKS AND DOESN'T

	But, alas - no - we get fart sensors 
	Hmm, sooooooo this got me tinking (not good / rare)...  one
thing I'm trying to install on Alumibish is a new Seat Belt Warning
System (SBWS)...  I intend to make <<<cue guy beating drums in
background>>>...  SBSBWS...  yes, yes...  that's Space Balls Seat Belt
Warning System.  I need a sound bit bite of the scene burnt into my
Phatnoise to que upon startup, yes.  

	Wait for it... 


	"Ludicrous Speed!?!?!???  Sir!  We've never gone that fast
before - I don't know if the ship can take it!" <deletes Colonel Sanders

	"Sir!  Shouldn't you buckle up!?!?" 


	Now... having said that, you then just want to always ensure
perpetual avoidance of "No no no no, go past this part go past this part
- in fact - NEVER PLAY THIS PART AGAIN" opportunities, heh heh.

	Don't laugh.  I just thought of this as I was posting, now that
I've said it out loud I may just do this.  Hmmm.  Anyone got a sound
bite they can find / send me???  HAhahahahaaa
isssssssssssssssssssssssues.  Blame Pasqualooney we watched it last
weekend, the bastid.

	-Paul I KNEW IT I'm surrounded by Arseholes K. 

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