[s-cars] Developing an LS2-based HO coil-near-plug ignition

David Forgie forgied at shaw.ca
Sun Jul 13 10:37:40 PDT 2008

Based on the previous work that I did on figuring out how to use the 1.8t coil packs on our cars
 ( http://forums.audiworld.com/s4s6/msgs/195907.phtml ) and the work of two AudiWorld listers,
 450exc115 and lloyd21, there is an option to 034's HO coil near plug system, in this case using
 inexpensive (US$22?) LS2 Corvette/GTO coils and the basic idea of the 1.8 coil pack wiring. I 
have put together a post on AudiWorld, summarizing the work to date. 450exc115 and lloyd21 have 
been working on this independently and are almost complete (waiting for some pins I believe).

Looks like a really potentially good solution to OE coils. Better than the 1.8t coil pack conversion for
high out put (above RS2 levels or tracked cars) (the coil packs still don't like heat).

Have a look at this and let me know what you think:


Hap:  The MSD red LS2 coils (about $70 each) would look good in your engine bay. ;>)

Dave F.

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