[s-cars] Troubleshoot a no start issue

Brooke Fairbanks bfairbanks at fnbbarron.com
Mon Jun 9 06:04:48 PDT 2008

This is the synopsis of my no start struggles:


*        With a half tank of fuel and driving the 95 S6 w/ 129K miles, the
engine hesitates/stumbles then dies.  It refires, but runs poorly then dies.

*        With the car towed back home, I swap the crank speed sensors from
my other S6 and still a no start condition.

*         Compression is high of 135 and a low of 125 across the cylinders.

*         I verified that the speed sensor pin is still on the flywheel.

*        I swap out the old POS units with known to be working POS units and
still a no start condition.

*        I swap out the old coils with a 034 ignition loom with 5 new 1.8t
coils and still a no start condition.

*        I by-passed the fuel pump relay to check the fuel pump function and
it appears to pump fine from the filter line (I did not measure the exact
volume or measure from the fuel pressure regulator or the injectors)  I
checked to make certain it was fuel, not fuel/water coming from the tank.

*        I spliced in a CPS and still a no start condition.

*        I replace the fuel filter, spark plugs, crank seal, cam seal, TB,
serp belt, serp tensioner bearing, H2O pump, T-stat, triple checked the
timing marks 

*        Replaced the fuel pressure regulator

*        Removed the fuel pump basket to clean the screen (very small amount
of tiny debris) 

*        Replaced the fuel pump

*        Checked the fuel to the fuel rail (gobs of pressure spray)

*        The motor fires very intermittently but still does not start


Any other suggestions?




Brooke Fairbanks

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