[s-cars] NAC - elliptical machines - Anybody know much about these, in the business, got opinions?

brian hoeft qweblog at gmail.com
Sat Mar 1 17:34:40 PST 2008

No elliptical experience, but my full suspension trek is a lot more
versatile&fun since it doesnt live in the house and with proper selection of
gears doesnt stress my badly injured knee(s), one of which had 2 ligaments
completely replaced(A&PCL -cadaver-) and LCL repaired with minor
arthroscopic a few years later..

Speaking from that experience I can say that while most Dr.'s&PT's mean well
they arent typically well versed in whole body health.

On that note, as far as physical health goes I swear that my recovery would
have been a lot more complete&timely if I would have been told of Dr.
Christopher's school of natural healing years ago.  go to
www.drchristophersherbshop.com search for complete tissue and bone formula,
give them a call on monday, they are very helpful and friendly.

Also, bike, treadmill, elliptical or whatever.. does not give you
strength/resistance training on hamstrings.. Leg curls on my bowflex however
work wonders and were KEY in my ability to walk/snowboard once again.

www.ahealthieryouradio.org is also a favorite of mine if you didnt find it
by clicking around the herb shop site..

be well!

On 2/27/08, chris chambers <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Gentz,
> as a result of our accident last March my wife ended up having
> arthoscopic surgery on her knee. Her Physical therapist has
> recommended she get an elliptical machine to help with her recovery.
> Looking to learn a bit about elliptical machines, anyone know much?
> Own one you like or hate?
> Own an elliptical machine that you want to get rid of?
> Regards
> Chris
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