[s-cars] (no subject)

ELLIEOLSEN at aol.com ELLIEOLSEN at aol.com
Mon May 5 21:20:06 PDT 2008

Thanks  everyone !!!
In a message dated 5/5/2008 9:19:05 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
cody at 5000tq.com writes:

The  Bentley manual specifies a tolerance value for such cracks. I'm away 
from  home otherwise I'd tell you what that value is. IIRC I think it's 1mm  
wide, but don't hold me to that. I do know that it says it's ok as long as  
it doesn't extend into the seat.

If the machine shop says it's ok  I'd tend to trust them. In a perfect world 
you'd want a head with no  cracks (the one on your car too lol), but 
sometimes perfection is  unrealistic leaving you forced to except "pretty 
good"  instead.

-Cody Forbes

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