May 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Thu May 1 05:44:39 PDT 2008
Ending: Sat May 31 16:41:05 PDT 2008
Messages: 451
- [s-cars] [V8] Winding Road tests the R8 V12 TDI
- [s-cars] tires again, this time for a non-S Audi
Brian Armstead
- [s-cars] OMFG
Raphael Avila
- [s-cars] TPMS
Franco Barber
- [s-cars] TPMS
Franco Barber
- [s-cars] To plow, or not to plow.
Wylie Bean
- [s-cars] Air Races
Wylie Bean
- [s-cars] radio needed (correction)
Wylie Bean
- [s-cars] Got my first Nigerian scam on my S6 FS
Wylie Bean
- [s-cars] some may call me crazy but...
Wylie Bean
- [s-cars] refilling brake system
Wylie Bean
- [s-cars] Rear License Plate Bracket
Wylie Bean
- [s-cars] How to dump codes?
Wylie Bean
- [s-cars] troubleshooting no-start
Wylie Bean
- [s-cars] Bose system pops with Alpine deck
Andrew Beckert
- [s-cars] Headliner question
Andrew Beckert
- [s-cars] some may call me crazy but...
Andrew Beckert
- [s-cars] some may call me crazy but...
Andrew Beckert
- [s-cars] Rear License Plate Bracket
Abe Berman
- [s-cars] refilling brake system
Kneale Brownson
- [s-cars] Painful dash removal
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] To plow, or not to plow.
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] Interesting state re: fuel consumption
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] wonky temp guage
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] tires again, this time for a non-S Audi
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] flare nut wrench recommendation?
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] flare nut wrench recommendation?
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] Got my first Nigerian scam on my S6 FS
Sam Clarkson
- [s-cars] Steering rack job
Sam Clarkson
- [s-cars] [V8] Winding Road tests the R8 V12 TDI
Coleman, David
- [s-cars] Driver side turn signal ... Have one for you.... Cheap, free in fact.
Lewis Consulting
- [s-cars] Interesting state re: fuel consumption
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] Interesting state re: fuel consumption
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] Interesting state re: fuel consumption
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] S-Car sighting: Kanata, Ontario..
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] Side panel molding piece gone AWOL!
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Kurt Deschler
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Kurt Deschler
- [s-cars] Splitting the driveshaft
Wayne Dohnal
- [s-cars] Bentley error?
Wayne Dohnal
- [s-cars] Rebuilt driveshaft
Wayne Dohnal
- [s-cars] Rebuilt driveshaft
Wayne Dohnal
- [s-cars] Bad time to work on driveshaft
Wayne Dohnal
- [s-cars] Weather Proof Connector Ideas Needed
P. Dooley
- [s-cars] Pissing Coolant
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] windshield wipers
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] windshield wipers
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] NAC - Vette parts sources?
Ian Duff
- [s-cars] NAC - Vette parts sources?
Ian Duff
- [s-cars] NAC - Vette parts sources?
Ian Duff
- [s-cars] wonky temp gauge
Ian Duff
- [s-cars] refilling brake system
Ian Duff
- [s-cars] Knocking developed while on highway.
Azeem Elahi
- [s-cars] Turbo to MAF hose needed ASAP.
Azeem Elahi
- [s-cars] Knocking developed while on highway.
Azeem Elahi
- [s-cars] Knocking developed while on highway.
Azeem Elahi
- [s-cars] Help Need With 3-Spoke Steering Wheel Conversion
Dave Ellis
- [s-cars] S-Car sighting: Kanata, Ontario..
Dave Ellis
- [s-cars] Weather Proof Connector Ideas Needed
Dave Ellis
- [s-cars] Weather Proof Connector Ideas Needed
Dave Ellis
- [s-cars] (no subject)
Brooke Fairbanks
- [s-cars] (no subject)
Brooke Fairbanks
- [s-cars] (no subject)
Brooke Fairbanks
- [s-cars] (no subject)
Brooke Fairbanks
- [s-cars] troubleshooting no-start
Brooke Fairbanks
- [s-cars] wonky temp gauge
Douglas Fifield
- [s-cars] wonky temp gauge
Douglas Fifield
- [s-cars] cigarette lighter part numbers
Mike Fitton
- [s-cars] Air Races
Mike Fitton
- [s-cars] Occasional hot no start - '95 S6 avant
Jim Fleischer
- [s-cars] CPS replacement...and fuel filter leak...
Jim Fleischer
- [s-cars] Fuel Filter leak?
Jim Fleischer
- [s-cars] To plow, or not to plow.
Cody Forbes
- [s-cars] (no subject)
Cody Forbes
- [s-cars] Weather Proof Connector Ideas Needed
Cody Forbes
- [s-cars] Coil conversion
Cody Forbes
- [s-cars] Driver side turn signal ... Have one for you.... Cheap, free in fact.
David Forgie
- [s-cars] more S einz
David Forgie
- [s-cars] Alternatives to the Audifans Knowledge Base
David Forgie
- [s-cars] Alternatives to the Audifans Knowledge Base
David Forgie
- [s-cars] s-cars] Painful dash removal
David Forgie
- [s-cars] wonky temp gauge
David Forgie
- [s-cars] wonky temp gauge
David Forgie
- [s-cars] Coil conversion
David Forgie
- [s-cars] Coil conversion
David Forgie
- [s-cars] Coil conversion
David Forgie
- [s-cars] Steering rack job
David Forgie
- [s-cars] Steering Rack Bracket Replacement Procedure
David Forgie
- [s-cars] Link to Fred Munro's Steering damper R&R pdf with Part No's.
David Forgie
- [s-cars] Let's rally to help a fellow S-car owner in troubleshooting Hell in Wisconsin !
David Forgie
- [s-cars] How to dump codes?
David Forgie
- [s-cars] troubleshooting no-start
David Forgie
- [s-cars] Coil conversion
Varon H. Fugman
- [s-cars] Interesting state re: fuel consumption
Paul Gailus
- [s-cars] Rebuilt driveshaft
Paul Gailus
- [s-cars] help please, urgent coilpack problem
Jake Gaty
- [s-cars] help please, urgent coilpack problem
Jake Gaty
- [s-cars] Interesting state re: fuel consumption
Peter Golledge
- [s-cars] Rebuilt driveshaft
Peter Golledge
- [s-cars] Pissing Coolant
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Pissing Coolant
Tom Green
- [s-cars] front suspension noise
Tom Green
- [s-cars] front suspension noise
Tom Green
- [s-cars] headliner question
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Knocking developed while on highway
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Tom Green
- [s-cars] CPS replacement
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Interesting state re:fuel consumption
Tom Green
- [s-cars] AAN oil specifications
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Power steering pump resistance?
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Meyle coolant overflow tank
Tom Green
- [s-cars] rear license plate bracket
Tom Green
- [s-cars] [s-cars} refilling brake system
Tom Green
- [s-cars] (no subject)
Tom Green
- [s-cars] (no subject)
Tom Green
- [s-cars] troubleshooting no-start
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Pissing Coolant
Stott Hare
- [s-cars] Pissing Coolant
Stott Hare
- [s-cars] was Wheel Bearing tool? now HF Brake tool on Sale for$19.99
Stott Hare
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Stott Hare
- [s-cars] How to dump codes?
Stott Hare
- [s-cars] AAN Cylinder Head Swap SW/Western CT
Chris Hawkins
- [s-cars] Fort Collins area
K Hayes
- [s-cars] CPS replacement...and fuel filter leak...
Graham Hicks
- [s-cars] refilling brake system
Max Hoepli
- [s-cars] (no subject)
- [s-cars] Headliner question
Dave Kase
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Dave Kase
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Dave Kase
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Dave Kase
- [s-cars] was Wheel Bearing tool? now HF Brake tool on Sale for $19.99
Dave Kase
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Dave Kase
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Dave Kase
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Dave Kase
- [s-cars] NAC: 930 in AW Marketplace Review
Dave Kase
- [s-cars] NAC - Vette parts sources?
Dave Kase
- [s-cars] NAC - Vette parts sources?
Dave Kase
- [s-cars] NAC - Vette parts sources?
Dave Kase
- [s-cars] NAC - Vette parts sources?
Dave Kase
- [s-cars] Got my first Nigerian scam on my S6 FS
Dave Kase
- [s-cars] //SO//S: unchip'd boost?
Dave Kase
- [s-cars] Painful dash removal
Dave Kase
- [s-cars] Bad time to work on driveshaft
Dave Kase
- [s-cars] flare nut wrench recommendation?
Dave Kase
- [s-cars] flare nut wrench recommendation?
Dave Kase
- [s-cars] flare nut wrench recommendation?
Dave Kase
- [s-cars] Interesting state re: fuel consumption
J. Khang
- [s-cars] Interesting state re: fuel consumption
J. Khang
- [s-cars] Headliner question
Douglas Landaeta
- [s-cars] Headliner question
Douglas Landaeta
- [s-cars] Headliner question
Douglas Landaeta
- [s-cars] Headliner question
Douglas Landaeta
- [s-cars] Coil conversion
Douglas Landaeta
- [s-cars] windshield wipers
Douglas Landaeta
- [s-cars] TPMS
Douglas Landaeta
- [s-cars] TPMS
Douglas Landaeta
- [s-cars] Brake Pad Part #'s and Recommendations - ECS Stage II (993TT)
Douglas Landaeta
- [s-cars] 993TT brake pad suggestions (ECS II)
Douglas Landaeta
- [s-cars] 993TT brake pad suggestions (ECS II)
Douglas Landaeta
- [s-cars] 993TT brake pad suggestions (ECS II)
Douglas Landaeta
- [s-cars] Rear License Plate Bracket
Tim Larson
- [s-cars] refilling brake system
Grant Lenahan
- [s-cars] Bose radio needed
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] radio needed (correction)
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] NAC - Vette parts sources?
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Help...
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Help...
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] tire pressures?
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] OMFG
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Air Races
The Loves
- [s-cars] How to dump codes?
Paul Luevano
- [s-cars] How to dump codes?
Paul Luevano
- [s-cars] Air Races
Bill M
- [s-cars] some may call me crazy but...
Bill M
- [s-cars] What's the go to Avant antenna replacement?
Bill M
- [s-cars] Headliner question
Bill Mahoney
- [s-cars] NAC: F40 Motorsports Coffee & Cars, and... PizzOH!
Bill Mahoney
- [s-cars] What's the go to Avant antenna replacement?
Steve Marinello
- [s-cars] wheel bolt source?
Steve Marinello
- [s-cars] S-CAR-List Digest, Vol 55, Issue 6
McCall, Randy
- [s-cars] Power steering pump resistance?
McCall, Randy
- [s-cars] Power steering pump resistance?
McCall, Randy
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
james McCarthy
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
james McCarthy
- [s-cars] Got my first Nigerian scam on my S6 FS
Harold McComas
- [s-cars] What's the go to Avant antenna replacement?
Harold McComas
- [s-cars] What's the go to Avant antenna replacement?
Harold McComas
- [s-cars] Air Races
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] Air Races
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] Winding Road tests the R8 V12 TDI
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] NAC - Vette parts sources?
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] 1995 Audi 90 Sport Quattro
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] (no subject)
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] Got my first Nigerian scam on my S6 FS
Bruce Mendel
- [s-cars] Pissing Coolant
Philip Mische
- [s-cars] wonky temp guage
Philip Mische
- [s-cars] To plow, or not to plow.
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] to plow, or not to plow. NAC
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] NAC - Vette parts sources?
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] windshield wipers
Patrick Moores
- [s-cars] Interesting state re: fuel consumption
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] Interesting state re: fuel consumption
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] Interesting state re: fuel consumption
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] Rebuilt driveshaft
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] Rebuilt driveshaft
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] Map with URS4 owner locations?
James Murray
- [s-cars] help please, urgent coilpack problem
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Real Audi Content
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Air Races
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Occasional hot no start - '95 S6 avant
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Interesting state re: fuel consumption
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Interesting state re: fuel consumption
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Interesting state re: fuel consumption
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] [V8] Winding Road tests the R8 V12 TDI
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] some may call me crazy but...
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] How to dump codes?
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Interesting state re: fuel consumption
- [s-cars] Open Carfax
- [s-cars] TPMS
- [s-cars] Map with URS4 owner locations?
Darin Nederhoff
- [s-cars] Interesting state re: fuel consumption
Darin Nederhoff
- [s-cars] more S einz
Floyd Noel
- [s-cars] Painful dash removal
Floyd Noel
- [s-cars] 1995 Audi 90 Sport Quattro
Floyd Noel
- [s-cars] Looking for an AAN head
M Pederson
- [s-cars] S-CAR-List Digest, Vol 55, Issue 21
M Pederson
- [s-cars] Carfax anyone ?
Joe Petersack
- [s-cars] Bose system pops with Alpine deck
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Bose system pops with Alpine deck
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] TDS-1/TDS-X owners, sing out!
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] NAC - Vette parts sources?
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] S-CAR-List Digest, Vol 55, Issue 62
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Bose system pops with Alpine deck
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] Pissing Coolant
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] (no subject)
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] CPS replacement...and fuel filter leak...
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] NAC - Vette parts sources?
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] Knocking developed while on highway.
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] Knocking developed while on highway.
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] Interesting state re: fuel consumption
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] Interesting state re: fuel consumption
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] Great Quattro story in Autoweek, May 5th, page 26
Postupack, Jeff
- [s-cars] more S einz
Postupack, Jeff
- [s-cars] Let's rally to help a fellow S-car owner in troubleshooting Hell in Wisconsin !
Postupack, Jeff
- [s-cars] Winding Road tests the R8 V12 TDI
Huw Powell
- [s-cars] refilling brake system
Huw Powell
- [s-cars] Code 2142 with new MRC chips
Premier Investment Properties,LLC.
- [s-cars] NAC - OBD scanner/readers
Mark R
- [s-cars] Audi 4000k dissy ?
Stephen Redford
- [s-cars] Winding Road tests the R8 V12 TDI
Stephen Redford
- [s-cars] more S einz
Stephen Redford
- [s-cars] some may call me crazy but...
Stephen Redford
- [s-cars] Rebuilt driveshaft
Eric Renneisen
- [s-cars] What's the go to Avant antenna replacement?
Eric Renneisen
- [s-cars] NAC - Vette parts sources?
Chris Rich
- [s-cars] Anyone in the northeast willing to lend a hand with installing a 6-spd next month?
Chris Rich
- [s-cars] Subject: Re: What's the go to Avant antenna replacement?
Chris Rich
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] Clock Not
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] wheel bolt source?
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] RE; Oh Mr. Winter...
Matthew Russell
- [s-cars] some may call me crazy but...
Matthew Russell
- [s-cars] front suspension noise
Aaron Ryba
- [s-cars] front suspension noise
Aaron Ryba
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Aaron Ryba
- [s-cars] Power steering pump resistance?
Aaron Ryba
- [s-cars] Power steering pump resistance?
Aaron Ryba
- [s-cars] What's the go to Avant antenna replacement?
Manuel Sanchez
- [s-cars] front suspension noise
Peter Schulz
- [s-cars] tires again, this time for a non-S Audi
Peter Schulz
- [s-cars] What's the go to Avant antenna replacement?
Peter Schulz
- [s-cars] What's the go to Avant antenna replacement?
Peter Schulz
- [s-cars] flare nut wrench recommendation?
Peter Schulz
- [s-cars] North Atlantic Audi Club Social Dinner Thursday May 29th in Saugus, Mass
Peter Schulz
- [s-cars] Splitting the driveshaft
Jerry Scott
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Jerry Scott
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
Jerry Scott
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
James Shackelford
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
James Shackelford
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
James Shackelford
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
James Shackelford
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
James Shackelford
- [s-cars] Map with URS4 owner locations?
Sandy Sligh
- [s-cars] Stock ECU
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] Occasional hot no start - '95 S6 avant
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] Rebuilt driveshaft
Joshua van Tol
- [s-cars] Steering rack job
Joshua van Tol
- [s-cars] Audi Expo 2008 - It's Back!
Brian at TouchTechSystems
- [s-cars] Coil conversion
George Verbryck
- [s-cars] (no subject)
Michael Wakefield
- [s-cars] was Wheel Bearing tool? now HF Brake tool on Sale for$19.99
Michael Wakefield
- [s-cars] Weather Proof Connector Ideas Needed
Michael Wakefield
- [s-cars] Subject: Oh Mr. Winter...
Tom Winter
- [s-cars] S-CAR-List Digest, Vol 55, Issue 16
Tom Winter
- [s-cars] Damn! In need of Driver's Side Turn signal light.
Tom Winter
- [s-cars] Subject: Re: Driver side turn signal ... Have one for you.... Cheap, free in fact.
Tom Winter
- [s-cars] Subject: Re: some may call me crazy but...
Tom Winter
- [s-cars] Bose
Calvin Young
- [s-cars] So how do I remove rusted rear license plate bolts?
Young, Steve
- [s-cars] Rear License Plate Bracket
Young, Steve
- [s-cars] Meyle coolant overflow tank
Bluemaxww1 at
- [s-cars] Knocking developed while on highway - AC relay?
DGraber460 at
- [s-cars] (no subject)
- [s-cars] (no subject)
- [s-cars] (no subject)
- [s-cars] (no subject)
- [s-cars] Knocking developed while on highway
- [s-cars] Occasional hot no start - '95 S6 avant
- [s-cars] NAC: F40 Motorsports Coffee & Cars, and... PizzOH!
- [s-cars] NAC - OBD scanner/readers
dgraber460 at
- [s-cars] Knocking developed while on highway
dgraber460 at
- [s-cars] (no subject)
djdawson2 at
- [s-cars] (no subject) cracked heads
djdawson2 at
- [s-cars] AAN+
djdawson2 at
- [s-cars] Got my first Nigerian scam on my S6 FS
djdawson2 at
- [s-cars] help please, urgent coilpack problem
hoog23 at
- [s-cars] So how do I remove rusted rear license plate bolts?
hoog23 at
- [s-cars] So how do I remove rusted rear license plate bolts?
hoog23 at
- [s-cars] From the other side yuk
mtgadbois at
- [s-cars] NAC Nutrition
mtgadbois at
- [s-cars] some may call me crazy but...
Rit bellis
- [s-cars] windshield wipers
Rit bellis
- [s-cars] help please, urgent coilpack problem
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Real Audi Content
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Real Audi Content
chris chambers
- [s-cars] real audi content
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Headliner question
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Headliner question
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Headliner question
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Knocking developed while on highway.
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Knocking developed while on highway.
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Knocking developed while on highway - AC relay?
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Occasional hot no start - '95 S6 avant
chris chambers
- [s-cars] CPS replacement...and fuel filter leak...
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Damn! In need of Driver's Side Turn signal light.
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Clock Not
chris chambers
- [s-cars] clock not; now, clock yes
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Rebuilt driveshaft
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Help...
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Anyone have an extra "strut housing" <- term?
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Code 2142 with new MRC chips
chris chambers
- [s-cars] What's the go to Avant antenna replacement?
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Bad time to work on driveshaft
chris chambers
- [s-cars] So how do I remove rusted rear license plate bolts?
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Coil conversion
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Rear License Plate Bracket - repair write up
chris chambers
- [s-cars] (no subject)
chris chambers
- [s-cars] How to dump codes?
chris chambers
- [s-cars] WAS Re:Headliner question, NOW: Griot's wheel restore kits
mike claire
- [s-cars] (no subject)
mike claire
- [s-cars] Subject: Oh Mr. Winter...
john cléirigh
- [s-cars] Air Races
john cléirigh
- [s-cars] Headliner question
john cléirigh
- [s-cars] CL: 1993 audi quattro
john cléirigh
- [s-cars] radio needed (correction)
john cléirigh
- [s-cars] some may call me crazy but...
john cléirigh
- [s-cars] some may call me crazy but...
john cléirigh
- [s-cars] some may call me crazy but...
john cléirigh
- [s-cars] willing to help you chris
daniel colt
- [s-cars] Air Races
haroldmccomas at
- [s-cars] To plow, or not to plow.
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] To plow, or not to plow.
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] Headliner question
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] (no subject)
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] (no subject)
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] Knocking developed while on highway.
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] Knocking developed while on highway.
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] Interesting state re: fuel consumption
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] Interesting state re: fuel consumption
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] Clock Not
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] NAC - Vette parts sources?
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] (no subject)
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] (no subject)
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
brian hoeft
- [s-cars] Weather Proof Connector Ideas Needed
brian hoeft
- [s-cars] TDS-1/TDS-X owners, sing out!
- [s-cars] Headliner question
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
- [s-cars] windshield wipers
- [s-cars] wonky temp guage
ron kirkham
- [s-cars] To plow, or not to plow.
matt ludwig.
- [s-cars] CL: 1993 audi quattro
matt ludwig.
- [s-cars] S-CAR-List Digest, Vol 55, Issue 16
matt ludwig.
- [s-cars] Interesting state re: fuel consumption
matt ludwig.
- [s-cars] Subject: Re: Driver side turn signal ... Have one for you.... Cheap, free in fact.
matt ludwig.
- [s-cars] 1990 Audi 200 Quattro
matt ludwig.
- [s-cars] 1988 Audi 90 Quattro V8 conversion
matt ludwig.
- [s-cars] 1995 Audi 90 Sport Quattro
matt ludwig.
- [s-cars] 1995 Audi 90 Sport Quattro
matt ludwig.
- [s-cars] Fort Collins area
matt ludwig.
- [s-cars] To plow, or not to plow.
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] To plow, or not to plow.
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] Real Audi Content
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] real audi content
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] to plow, or not to plow. NAC
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] Clock Not
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] more S einz
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] Clock Not
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] AAN+
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] clock not; now, clock yes
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] From the other side yuk
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] Boost is back!
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] What's the go to Avant antenna replacement?
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] What's the go to Avant antenna replacement?
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] What's the go to Avant antenna replacement?
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] avant antenna replacement? 5&6mm, short or tall
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] LAF Holiday Weakend Ferrari Theatre
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] What breaks on the Avant antenna?
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] TPMS
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] NAC Nutrition
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] Air Races
davekase at
- [s-cars] Headliner question
davekase at
- [s-cars] Wheel Bearing tool?
davekase at
- [s-cars] Weather Proof Connector Ideas Needed
davekase at
- [s-cars] Weather Proof Connector Ideas Needed
davekase at
- [s-cars] //SO//S: unchip'd boost?
- [s-cars] front suspension noise
joe smith
- [s-cars] Headliner question
joe smith
- [s-cars] Pissing Coolant
manuelsanchez at
- [s-cars] Front Seat Arm Rest
manuelsanchez at
- [s-cars] help please, urgent coilpack problem
theringmeister at
- [s-cars] To plow, or not to plow.
theringmeister at
- [s-cars] Air Races
theringmeister at
- [s-cars] Rebuilt driveshaft
theringmeister at
- [s-cars] NAC - Vette parts sources?
theringmeister at
- [s-cars] NAC - Vette parts sources?
theringmeister at
- [s-cars] wonky temp guage
theringmeister at
- [s-cars] wonky temp gauge
theringmeister at
- [s-cars] windshield wipers
theringmeister at
- [s-cars] refilling brake system
theringmeister at
- [s-cars] Let's rally to help a fellow S-car owner in troubleshooting Hell in Wisconsin !
theringmeister at
- [s-cars] Link to Fred Munro's Steering damper R&R pdf with Part No's.
theringmeister at
- [s-cars] How to dump codes?
theringmeister at
- [s-cars] To plow, or not to plow.
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] Real Audi Content
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] Looking for an AAN head
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] //SO//S: unchip'd boost?
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] From the other side yuk
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] NAC: F40 Motorsports Coffee & Cars, and... PizzOH!
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] //SO//S: unchip'd boost?
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] knocking sound
neunelf at
Last message date:
Sat May 31 16:41:05 PDT 2008
Archived on: Sat May 31 16:42:56 PDT 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).