[s-cars] OMFG

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Fri May 23 11:01:49 PDT 2008

I spent yeasterday at NHIS playing with the local BMW club. Got a 
good hour of classroom instruction and 90 minutes of seat time (over 4 runs).


I'm hooked. :)

In my novice group, the A4 cornered better than most of the BMWs. I 
don't know whether it was purely the car or the other drivers' 
inexperience (few had done any autocrossing), but it was a blast. Of 
course on the long straight, they ran away from me!

What a blast!


Lee Levitt
Needham, Massachusetts, USA
'01 A4 1.8t quattro avant
''99 A6 quattro avant
'97 A6 quattro avant
'96 A6 quattro avant

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