[s-cars] (no subject)
mike claire
mike.claire at gmail.com
Fri May 30 13:10:17 PDT 2008
Brooke: You said it happens with 1/2 tank?
Less gas in the tank, the more work the pump does just lifting the
fuel. Less power remaining to pressurize.
So maybe it's a weak pump or a clogged filter. I don't think there
will be a connection between tank level and FPR function.
But I don't know much (and I can't be getting smarter since I own 2 of
these cars now). Listen to what the other guys say. I'm writing this
only because I wasn't sure that anybody noticed the 1/2 tank
On 5/30/08, Tom Green <trgreen at comcast.net> wrote:
> Ok Brooke, I'll stop trying to be cute, and proofread as well.
> Like it or not, DIY is the only practical solution to URS-6
> ownership. The
> dealer network has almost no 5-cyl expertise left, and yes that is
> important.
> Even if you have one of the few shops near you that does have this
> special
> knowledge, you have to know enough the manage the required service and
> tell the shop what you need. That's why we are all here.
> I would have to be 100% convinced it is not a fuel problem before
> moving on.
> Starting with the FPR, vacuum lines that control it and other things,
> and the fuel
> filter is ok since they need looking at or replacing anyway, but I
> believe you will
> be in the tank after the pump eventually. I don't subscribe to the
> finite life theory
> of 100K but if you are having these problems and can't find the cure,
> perhaps it
> is time.
> If you feel the pump is working ok it could well be the FPR dumping
> pressure
> right back to the tank or the filter blocking it there. Those things
> have happened.
> ECStuning.com is selling them cheap.
> In all your list of previous work done, there is no mention of any
> DTC's. Have
> you checked for trouble codes? I don't expect much help here but
> even the
> absence is some help.
> Tom
> On May 30, 2008, at 2:14 PM, Brooke Fairbanks wrote:
>> Thanks for ideas... ...and yes Mr. Green, the problem is
>> unfortunately real
>> and no, I don't particularly enjoy mashing my knuckles against
>> "ginsu" sharp
>> engine bits. It's that I'm galacticly frugal.
>> As for the fuel pump, it was my understanding that they either work or
>> don't; that must not be the case. When I checked the pump
>> operation, I was
>> rather impressed with the volume; kind like a frat boy at a
>> kegger. But I'm
>> "running" out of options... ...I could also swap out the ECU??
>> Should I also check the pump at the FPR and further down stream
>> from the
>> filter?
>> Brooke Fairbanks
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Tom Green [mailto:trgreen at comcast.net]
>> Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 12:17 PM
>> To: s-car-list; bfairbanks at fnbbarron.com
>> Cc: Jeff Postupack; Wylie Bean
>> Subject:
>> Is this a test, Posto, or a real problem? :-) Come on, "it tries
>> to start/catch".
>> Wylie certainly has it nailed as a fuel problem. You can mess with
>> the FPR or the filter,
>> but if you are serious, just go to the pump. If you are going to dig
>> it out, just replace it,
>> since you probably won't feel like doing this again real soon.
>> Brooks must enjoy working on the S6 from looking at the things he has
>> done already, so
>> might as well replace the fuel filter and pressure regulator, and all
>> the vacuum lines. They
>> probably need replacing since they haven't been mentioned yet. :-)
>> Tom
>>> Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 12:05:21 -0400
>>> From: <theringmeister at triad.rr.com>
>>> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Let's rally to help a fellow S-car owner in
>>> troubleshooting Hell in Wisconsin !
>>> To: "Postupack, Jeff" <Jeff.Postupack at analog.com>
>>> Cc: bfairbanks at fnbbarron.com, s-car-list at audifans.com
>>> Message-ID:
>>> <15538653.1443891212163521935.JavaMail.root at hrndva-web19-z02>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>>> I'm going to bet it's the fuel pump or garbage in the filter at the
>>> bottom of the pump itself.
>>> The pump may be working but not quite at the level it should be. I
>>> went through this back in Nov/Dec. I never thought a fuel pump
>>> could die a slow death, but mine did. If there's over 100K on it
>>> then it's gonna need changin' soon anyway, right DAVE?!?
>>> --
>>> Wylie Bean
>>> TheRingmeister at triad.rr.com
>>> 90 cq
>>> 91 90q20v sport
>>> 92 UrS4
>>> 01 allroad
>>> ---- "Postupack wrote:
>>>> Brook needs the collective assist of Tha List!
>>>> Read on: I sold Brook a new CPS a while back. he thought that might
>>>> cure his no-start. Here's today's story.
>>>> Not running, but it tries to start/catch... ...I believe I
>>>> verified that
>>>> the speed sensor pin is still on the flywheel. I pulled the sensors
>>>> with the engine @ TDC and viewed a square pin through the opening.
>>>> This is the synopsis of my struggles:
>>>> * With a half tank of fuel and driving the 95 S6 w/ 129K miles,
>>>> the engine hesitates/stumbles then dies. It refires, but runs
>>>> poorly
>>>> then dies.
>>>> * With the car back home, I swap the crank speed sensors from my
>>>> other S6 and still a no start condition.
>>>> * Compression is high of 135 and a low of 125 across the
>>>> cylinders.
>>>> * I swap out the old POS units with known to be working POS units
>>>> and still a no start condition.
>>>> * I swap out the old coils with a 034 ignition loom with 5 new
>>>> 1.8t coils and still a no start condition.
>>>> * I by-passed the fuel pump relay to check the fuel pump function
>>>> and it appears to pump fine from the filter line (I did not
>>>> measure the
>>>> exact volume or measure from the fuel pressure regulator or the
>>>> injectors) I checked to make certain it was fuel, not fuel/water
>>>> coming
>>>> from the tank.
>>>> * I spliced in a super groovy CPS purchased from a very patient AW
>>>> forum user and still a no start condition.
>>>> * I replaced the fuel filter, spark plugs, crank seal, cam seal,
>>>> TB, serp belt, serp tensioner bearing, H2O pump, T-stat, triple
>>>> checked
>>>> the timing marks but did not install the radiator and still a no
>>>> start
>>>> condition. (I have to return the Audi tools back to Force5 today)
>>>> What other causes could it be?
>>>> * Plugged cats
>>>> * Injectors
>>>> * Bad karma
>>>> "Brooke Fairbanks" <bfairbanks at fnbbarron.com>
>>>> Jeff Postupack
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