[s-cars] wonky temp gauge

theringmeister at triad.rr.com theringmeister at triad.rr.com
Thu May 22 04:17:15 PDT 2008

Ahh Dave, the Micro-thinker, and me the Macro-thinker.  I had this problem in Economics (my major no less) as well.  My professors always told me that they were amazed at some of the theories I could come up with and recognize intuitively, but were equally disappointed at my lack of effort when it came to my motivation to prove them rigorously.  I loved macroeconomic theory, hated micro-theory. Definitely a good thing there are both types of us around here. 

Wylie Bean
TheRingmeister at triad.rr.com
90 cq
91 90q20v sport
92 UrS4
01 allroad

---- David Forgie <forgied at shaw.ca> wrote: 
> Ron: Most likely your problem is the Multifunction Temperature Switch (MFTS).
> Information about the purpose of the MFTS in an AAN vs a 3B is discussed here:
> http://forums.audiworld.com/s4s6/msgs/148742.phtml
> You can confirm that your problem is the MFTS by checking the coolant temp against
> Channel 51 on the Climate Control data.  If Ch 51 says 89 deg C and your gauge says
> something a lot lower, then its the MFTS (which is really the temp gauge sender).  If 
> Ch 51 also reads low, then your thermostat is stuck open.
> Accessing the Climate Control is done by following the instructions here:
> http://www.audiworld.com/tech/int5.shtml
> Once you have it figured out and it is the MFTS, the Part No. is beside No. 16 in
> the diagram in this link:
> http://forums.audiworld.com/s4s6/msgs/193770.phtml
> A MFTS replacement DIY is available at:
> http://forums.audiworld.com/s4s6/msgs/56799.phtml
> Hope that helps.
> Dave F. 
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