[s-cars] Interesting state re: fuel consumption

Robert Myers bob at chips-ur-s.com
Sat May 10 07:55:31 PDT 2008

Just how quickly do you get to your cruising speed and how well do 
you judge traffic so that brake application is minimized and 
acceleration is limited?  Driving techniques can make a 
difference.  How much pressure are you running in your tires?  Are 
you running wide tires or skinnies?  Are your windows/sun roof open 
or closed?  Is your splash guard panel under the engine in place or 
not?  What brand of fuel are you running?  Are you a skinny guy or 
fat like me?  Did you leave the wife and kids at home?  How do you 
lash down your tool kit and box of spare parts in the trunk?  Or do 
you leave all that stuff at home?


At 10:45 AM 5/10/2008, calvinlc at earthlink.net wrote:

>Yeah, but 30mpg?  Holy cow.  The best I have ever seen in a roundtrip is 27
>and that was 2 better than I usually would get when the car is in peak
>tune....I would love to know how we get such wildly varying figures of gas
>mileage...I know the drivers are different but on a highway run, if we are
>all going a similar speed (70-80mph) I would think we would see within 1-2
>mpg of each other, yet there seems to be variances from 20mpg to
>30mpg...that is a HUGE variance.

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