[s-cars] CPS replacement...and fuel filter leak...

Joe Pizzimenti joe.pizzimenti at gmail.com
Thu May 8 14:11:54 PDT 2008

Might be worth it to do the timing belt & water pump at this stage
since you kind of have to get in there to do the CPS

On 5/8/08, Jim Fleischer <jim at almgt.com> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> Thank you to Rob, Chris, Marc and Shawn for the replies.  Consensus has it
> that the CPS needs to be replaced.  Due to recent hand injury, (damn table
> saws) I'm a little out of the "DYI" mechanic loop for awhile, so
> unfortunately may need to have this done at the local shop.  Wondering what
> they'll hit me for as far as parts and labor.  Anyone have to go this route
> lately?
> Upon further examination of the fuel filter, there is a small leak from the
> front banjo bolt.  Small leak meaning there are signs of fuel remains around
> the front of the filter housing, and a small droplet of fuel clinging to the
> front bolt.  Would this be enough of a loss of fuel pressure to not allow
> the car to start?  I'll try to tighten it up anyway, maybe just replace it
> altogether, but was wondering if that could be the issue.
> Back to the CPS.....if I was to replace the CPS myself, or source the parts,
> and not wishing to complicate things by splicing brackets, etc, where would
> the best/cheapest place to get said CPS?  I have another vehicle at my
> disposal, so I can wait on a mail order/Internet deal or such.
> Also, upon reading some posts regarding the CPS.....my CEL only flashed
> once, very quickly, prior to any problems.  Audiworld posts seem to state
> that the failing CPS will trigger the CEL and keep it on.  Any thoughts?
> Thanks again......this list is priceless!
> Best regards,
> Jim Fleischer
> '95 S6 avant
> '83 ur
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