[s-cars] What's the go to Avant antenna replacement?

bill mahoney airbil at gmail.com
Thu May 22 12:10:50 PDT 2008

Thanks for the heads up Peter.
I do recall there being some goofy issue.  But I guess I'll find out.
Maybe I have to get a new base too... Hope not, but we'll see.
Cell phone?  Oh yeah I remember that audi classic.  Look down turn around
and dial the phone.  Oh and keep your eyes on the road too.
That said, I was able to hook in to the speaker and radio mute feature with
a bluetooth Sony HCB 30 for the new cell phone.
Bill~urS electronic adventurer~M

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 12:48 PM, Peter Schulz <pcschulz at comcast.net> wrote:

> Be careful:
> I tried the mast from my coupe and 200 avant and it did NOT fit the base on
> my S6 Avant...
> I think that the difference is the accommodation for the S car Cell
> phone...
> -Peter
> At 01:45 PM 5/22/2008 -0400, Harold McComas wrote:
>> That $15 price is just for the antenna mast not the complete assembly (
>> base, etc). Are you looking for just the mast?  If so that should work fine.
>> Harold
>>  ----- Original Message -----
>>  From: bill mahoney
>>  To: Harold McComas
>>  Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
>>  Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2008 1:30 PM
>>  Subject: Re: [s-cars] What's the go to Avant antenna replacement?
>>  Harold et. al.
>>  Hmmm sooooo, I think this might work?  Could be the lowest $ around as I
>> think ebay was $36, .de autoparts $27 and this place $15?
>>  Is this the right one?
>> http://www.eurosportacc.com/vw_audi_oe_fuba_antennas.htm
>>  Thanks everyone!
>>  Bill~saving $20 for future idiocy~M
>>  On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 12:06 PM, Harold McComas <
>> HaroldMcComas at comcast.net> wrote:
>>    The antenna you want I believe is the Fuba Betaflex-D. I installed one
>> on my old '85 GTI.  I remember some of the OEM antennas on the GTI's had a
>> square hole. The one I bought wasn't OEM ( but the same manufacturer). Some
>> of the cheaper replacement look-alike antennas don't have the amplified
>> base. Usually when the amplifier is fried you don't get AM reception.
>>    There should be plenty of VW/Audi shops that carry it.  Here is one for
>> a price comparison:
>> http://www.germanautoparts.com/Volkswagen/Golf/Body/7/2
>>    Harold
>>      From: "bill mahoney" <airbil at gmail.com>
>>      Subject: [s-cars] What's the go to Avant antenna replacement?
>>      To: "Audi S Car List" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
>>      Message-ID:
>>      <e7bed7ac0805220842o4664402eqedfa33ab69db17c8 at mail.gmail.com>
>>      Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>>      I guess 13 years is about the life of der roof antenna.   I am sure
>> too,
>>      that somewhere over the last 13 years the antenna replacement was
>>      mentioned.  Believing my own would last forever of course, I never
>> paid
>>      antennation.
>>      TIA!
>>      Bill~AntennaTrolling~M
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> -Peter Schulz
> Chelmsford Ma, USA
> http://www.naaclub.org/
> 1995.5 S6 Avant Emerald/Ecru
> 1995.5 S6 Avant Silver/Platinum
> 1991 200 20v Q Avant Titan Grey (for sale)
> 1991 90 20v Q Red
> 1991 CQ silver  (eS2 recipient)

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