[s-cars] miss at idle

Matthew Russell skippertgore at gmail.com
Sat Nov 15 20:22:32 PST 2008

Hey- Update #3...

well, she now sits in a parking lot about 3 miles from home.
I was gently driving home after what I hoped had been productive as  
far as figuring out this issue and 10 minutes down the road, tach went  
to 0, oil light flashed, and engine stalled.  Yikes.

checked oil (full) and attempted restart.  Turns over more times then  
normal, no catch.  let it sit for a minute while i pulled codes, only  
found one for 2212 Throttle Potentiometer which I'm not convinced i  
read correctly.  I need to recheck tomorrow.
Attempted restart, engine caught and idled for 15-20 seconds? then  
died again. Hmmm.  This seems different than the first issue of a coil  
going out.

So i'm thinking new problem in addition to original? or related?  I  
need to recheck for spark and fuel in the morning and see if anything  
else has changed, as well as blink out any codes.

Oh, and I had a bottle of cold water with me, so i poured it down near  
the cam pulley in case the CPS is on the way out, and i thought maybe  
that (the water) made a difference, but now i'm not so convinced.  As  
I Tried the car 6 hours later after work, it's 35 degrees out and  
symptom is the same.  Turns over, coughs and idles for 15-20 seconds  
and dies.

This one could be a doozy.

-Matt, CO
busted s4

> Dave- thanks for the help.
> I swapped the 123 POS to the 45 side, and then rewired both the 4 pin
> and 3 pin connectors on the suspected bad POS (now installed on the
> 4-5 side so that IIRC cyl 4 now uses the rh side of the 3 pin  
> connector
> and cyl 5 stays on the lh. (I may have mixed up which is where, but  
> you
> get the idea) bypassing the "center" channel of the suspect POS that
> used to drive cyl 2, the one with the missfire.
> I actually used the directions from Charlie's site near the bottom of
> the page.
> Drove the car to work today with the #2 fuel injector unplugged to
> decrease the amount of unburned fuel going through the combustion
> chamber and into my cats. Now I have access to a spark testor which
> shows no spark on # 2. I had already swapped in known good plug and  
> wire
> last night so I guess that leaves coil or wiring. I'm hoping coil.
> Anything else I'm missing?
> Oh and Bob, sorry I couldn't cc you this, stupid lack of cut n paste  
> on
> iPhone.
> -Matt, CO
> Missing s4
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 15, 2008, at 10:40 AM, David Forgie <forgied at shaw.ca> wrote:
>> Matt:  I am curious as to how you did the spare POS channel swap on
>> Cylinder 2.  Normally, this is only accomplished with 4 or 5 because
>> there is a spare position in that pair of POS connectors.  For future
>> reference, a cheap test is to use a used but known to be good brown
>> Hitachi V6 wasted spark POS (351) to check whether you have a 351A  
>> POS
>> issue.
>> As for the harness plugs, they are the female pin types whereas the
>> 1.8t harness plugs are all male pin types (harnesses supplying power
>> all have female (sheathed/
>> protected) pins whereas the devices
>> requiring the power have the corresponding male pin plugs).
>> The plugs that you need to replace your crumbling harness plugs are:
>> 4 pin (female pin)  4A0 906 234 (Item 14  Illustration 971-52)
>> 3 pin (female pin) 443 906 233 (Item 12 Ill. 971-52 or Item 23 Ill.
>> 905-20)
>> 3 pin (male pin for coil to harness connection) 443 906 247 (Item 23
>> Ill. 905-20)
>> HTH
>> Dave F.
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