[s-cars] Subject: Wanted: RF turn signal assembly for '95 S6

Tom Winter tom at freeskier.com
Wed Oct 8 12:10:31 PDT 2008

On 10/8/08 1:00 PM, "s-car-list-request at audifans.com"
<s-car-list-request at audifans.com> wrote: > Got home the other day and saw
the lens had disappeared from my right-front turn signal assembly.  Not too
surprising as the left side lost its lens a few years back.

Varon - regardless of how you replace them, when doing the install, make
sure you get the plastic tabs (which also have a "screw" lock system) on the
inside of the light housing to "click" into place. I found this to be
difficult until I took a file to the end of them. Once you get a "click" you
won't have them go missing again. If what I'm saying doesn't make sense, let
me know and I'll send pics.

Tom '95 S6 Avant (blinka blinka blink)


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