[s-cars] Coil solutions

Mike Fitton rfitton at vt.edu
Fri Oct 17 16:23:58 PDT 2008

I'm in exactly the same boat re cracked insulation and visible copper.  
Been that way for at least a year when I replaced the VC gasket and got 
a good look at all the wiring.  It's not pretty, but it has held up well 
and I haven't had any ignition trouble yet.

I looked up and down the 1.8T route and just can't figure out a way to 
make it work for me.  I just don't see it as a real solution to our 
original problem, only a clever way of avoiding paying like $170 for a 
$20 mosfet.  At least for $60 you get a coil and mosfet all in one.

So option #3 is where I think many of us are looking these days.  We 
have the coil choices narrowed down to a few (though if I'm not mistaken 
the only real difference is in the packaging and we can each decide 
which package we prefer), we know which factory plug wires are 
appropriate or some of us have the ability and patience to make our own, 
and all we seem to have remaining is a pair of clean harnesses to go 
from the ECU plugs on the firewall to the five coils' inputs.

If I knew anything about GM anythings, I'd have already done it.  But I 
don't.  I get the firewall plug part and how it might be difficult.  
Audi didn't make a harness for that...and we're trying to make a harness 
for a harness.  Whatever...in my head I'm seeing some nice 
weather-packed molex connectors (or something to that effect).  All I 
need is the GM harness that goes into their coils.  I'll get just a 
harness and pin kit and do the crimping myself if I have to.  Only I 
have no freakin clue where to find such a thing for a GM product.  
Someone fill in the last piece?


Erik Addy wrote:
> I was going to due some testing of my current ignition system with a spark tester, however upon removing the coil cover I noticed that the existing wiring harness had some cracking in the insulation to the point where I can see some copper wire in spots.
> Thinking that it doesn't make sense to test the coils if I know the wiring is bad, I think I have three options:
> 1)  Get a new wire harness from the dealer (if available, probably not cheap).  Then hope that the other components work and if not get used replacement parts.  Probably not a cost-effective solution.
> 2)  Do the 1.8T conversion (I would just order the Apikol kit)
> 3)  Live with it as is for a little bit and wait for a GM-based coil kit, hoping for more reliability and perhaps better performance than the 1.8T coils.
> I emailed Apikol and was told that they are NOT working on a GM-based system.  I thought I read on the list that they were?  Is someone else looking at offering a complete solution (pre-made harness/wires)?  I suppose I could do it myself...
> Suggestions?
> Erik
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