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Wed Apr 15 09:17:53 PDT 2009

real conversion costs a lot (R&R all seals which means put the entire A/
system apart, replace the compressor & dryer, then refill, I would suspect
much more than 140$ which seems to be oil and Freon only).

Beside, recharging is never a solution. You need to find the leak that leads
you to a recharge first. The most efficient mech I've used to diagnose my
slowly leaking (3-4 months between recharge) A/C on the departed S-Bitch
used a simple, cheap, but very effective solution (more effective than the 3
dealers and 2 A/C specialist I've visited before)
1- Vaccum the A/C
2- Fill with compressed air up to the max operating pressure (300 psi IIRC)
3- Spray all A/C components with water/soap mix and let stand for 30 minutes
(at 300psi, even a months slow leak will be right in your face)
4- Replace culprit
5- Vaccum as much as you can
6- Run the car for 2-3 weeks
7- If Vaccum pressure has not changed, refill with the Rwhatever the car was
designed for.
8- If Vaccum is gone, repeat.
Note that this procedure can _create_ leaks but these leaks would have
appear shortly anyhow so it's better to diagnose them all while you're at

Worked great. The A/C hold for 4 years (then I sold it) although it has been
open (and full of grit as you can imagine) for 3 years until this mech
finally had the proper way to properly diagnose a slow leak. It costed me a
dryer and two expansion valves but while the vibrating compressor told me
there was still plenty of grit in the system, no leak reappeared.



-----Message d'origine-----
De : s-car-list-bounces at
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at] De la part de Theodore Chen
Envoyé : 6 mai 2009 17:53
À : s-car-list at
Objet : [s-cars] AC recharge

the air conditioning system in my '92 works, but not very well.  it's been
declining gradually over the past year, and has trouble keeping up in 80+
degree temperatures now.  i think it needs a recharge.  it's an R-12 system,
and i recall earlier discussions on the list saying that there's no low-side
port on the system.  i have a few cans of R-12 lying around, but if there's
no low-side port, i won't be able to charge the system using those cans.

a shop said they'd recharge it with R-12 for $120, or convert to R134a for
$140.  given the price, i think this just means they'll evacuate the system,
install fittings, add a compatible lubricant, and refill with R134a.  i
don't know how well this type of conversion works, and am inclined to just
recharge with R-12 for $120.  any thoughts?

are there any gotchas for the shop?

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