[s-cars] Rear Brakes

Mike Sylvester mike at urq20v.com
Fri Dec 4 04:01:57 PST 2009

You need to press as well as turn.
The easiest way is to use a tool as seen at the bottom of the following



> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [s-cars] Rear Brakes
> From: Paul Luevano <paul at clarity.net>
> Date: Thu, December 03, 2009 11:27 pm
> To: s-car-list <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> OK, O great brain, what am I doing wrong.  Went to replace the rear pads 
> on the S6 today, everything apart ok, grease up the pins, etc., and go to 
> turn the pistons in to make space for the new pads.  Twist (clockwise), 
> twist, twist.  I felt like I turned them a full 12-24 full rotations, but 
> the pistons never budged from their original position.
> 	What am I missing?  There must be a trick I am missing. I gave up before 
> I got frustrated and did something stupid.
> 	Thanks much!
> -- 
> ____________________________________________________________________
> Paul Luevano            |   AMA * MSF   |'99 CBR 600F4  (Racebike)
> http://teamdaemon.com   | USM * CCS #898|'97 CBR 1100XX (Streetbike)
> Waltham, MA USA         |  NMA #116657  |'95.5 //S6     (Winter)
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