[s-cars] NAC - Benz 300E Questions]

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Mon Dec 7 20:01:32 PST 2009

Nope, they suck. Trust me. Plowed snowy roads with any incline = 
no go.

Quite surprising actually...and this was with fresh Nokian RSis.


On Mon Dec 07 21:23:18 CST 2009, AaronT <atay101 at gmail.com> 

> About W124's in snow - I know they are not the optimal snow car 
> for blizzard
> conditions(thats why i have a quattro) but for plowed snowy roads 
> they cant
> be too bad.  They are heavy safe cars that handle well - a decent 
> snow combo
> - yes?

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