[s-cars] NAC - Benz 300E Questions

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 05:54:14 PST 2009

Why would Porsche shoot themselves in the foot? They have some of the most
loyal owner base of any brand. If VW does that to Porsche, I'll be pissed.

You all do know that the AMG 560 6.0 32v that Bruce was talking about is a
fully custom engine with a custom AMG 32v DOHC head, custom AMG bodywork,
wheels, transmission mods, etc. that were done by AMG long before AMG became
a division within Mercedes-Benz.

That's kind of like talking about an Alpina B10 Biturbo and the parts that
are unique to an Alpina.


On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 10:24 PM, Peter Golledge <petergolledge at gmail.com>wrote:

> One wonders if P-Cars will go the same way.  You can purchase pretty much
> anything for the 911/930 with lots of interchange.  One day that might
> change, particularly after the nasty Porsche-VW saga.

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