[s-cars] Owning the S-car (was: 93 S4 - Heater core R&R)

Wayne Dohnal wd42 at hevanet.com
Sun Jan 11 08:42:00 PST 2009

I want to echo David's comment: "Thanks to the S-car list and all the 
mechanics on-line I still love owning
this car. It's a bit of work but when it's running I always feel it was 
worth it."

I've owned the s-car for 7 years now, with many of the common problems 
everybody is familiar with.  I had a horrible time with the driveshaft last 
summer with the car up on blocks for 3 months.  In mid December the j-hose 
sprung a leak.  I sent it off to Spokane for repair, which took a week with 
shipping.  Then the big Pacific Northwest snowstorm hit and UPS held my 
j-hose hostage for 2-1/2 weeks, so the s-car was down for another month.  I 
had a 200 mile ski trip planned and took the Subaru.  It did the job just 
fine.  It did everything just fine for the whole month.  I finally got the 
j-hose and made another ski trip with the S4.  After 100 miles of driving I 
was reminded why I put up with all of its quirks: The comfort, the solid 
feeling, the smooth power, the stability.  Other cars do the job, but this 
one turns driving from a chore to a joy.  And without the list, there's no 
way I could have kept it going this long.

Wayne Dohnal
1994 S4 

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